Uploaded image for project: 'Application Authorization Framework'
  1. Application Authorization Framework
  2. AAF-259

Some Platform users need to Create User/Role without existing Credential


    • AAF Dublin 01 12/3-12/13, El Alto - 1

      Some platforms only need Authorization.  The check in AAF for MechIDs (that it exists as a credential) hampers pure use of Authorization


      Feature request is to create a Permission that will skip the check for existing Credential.

      19/7/11 Feature request doesn't make any sense.  Any particular APP can already ask for Permissions related to their APP for any user.  Authentication is not tied to Authorization..> Therefore, that is not a new Feature.  

      However, I believe it is actually asking for the ability to reference AppID in Roles (and thus get Permissions), where the AppID isn't maintaining credentials.  This is now added, see link.


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