Resolution: Done
El Alto Release
When I declare LCM template in CDT with one of parameters taken from A&AI (vnf-name being assigned to vnf_instance variable in this case) there is an exception raised by APPC
CDT Ansible tempalate:
{ "PlaybookName": "${()=(book_name)}", "NodeList": ${()=(node_list)}, "EnvParameters": { "ConfigFileName": "traffic_distribution_config.json", "vnf_instance": "${()=(vnf_instance)}", }, "FileParameters": { "traffic_distribution_config.json": "${()=(file_parameter_content)}" }, "InventoryNames": "VM", "Timeout": 3600 }
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "rule-type" (class org.onap.sdnc.config.params.data.Parameter), not marked as ignorable (9 known properties: "defaultValue", "requestKeys", "responseKeys", "ruleType", "type", "name", "description", "required", "source"])
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