Resolution: Done
NCMP shall delete cmhandles at a rate of 50 cmhandles/second (need to confirm ?) with cache disabled (assumes no dmi-plugin delays, assumes 180 modules per cmhandle with 95% module overlap between cmhandles)
- Environment Requirements for (CPS, NCMP and Postgres?!
- Starting number of CM Handles, percentage deleted
- Number of deletion requests (all in one?)
- Assume deleted starts AFTER successful (all in Ready before use case starts)
- CPS-Temporal Notification should be disabled for the NCMP Registry dataspace
- CM Handle LCM Event enabled
Test suggestion, add 10,000 cm handles delete them al in one request (if possible) check timings
Confirm, CPS_temporal notifications are turned off, see https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-1361 (this might already improve the delete throughput)
- Add groovy test to verify the cm handles deletion performance? can extend existing read, write use cases to include deletion (ie. of 90% of the children created in the write/read test, see src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/spi/performance/CpsToDataNodePerfTest.groovy)
Acceptance criteria (AC) :
- Agree between Stakeholder and CPS Team and document requirement on https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CPS-NCMP-I-01+Specification%3A+Performance+Requirements
- Demo CM handles are deleted (no longer in DB removed at a rate of 50 cmhandles/second. ie 10,000 Cm Handles deletion, after 200 second use SQL query to confirm all the cm handles are removed from the DB (and 20,000 CM Hande LCM notifications sent)
- Performance improvements documented in https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/NCMP+De-Register+API+Performance
- Get test result from Kubernetes E2E deployment by ESH teams up to 20,000
- Agree with stakeholder if performance is now sufficient or not (might need to renegotiated original delete performance requirement