
      NCMP shall delete cmhandles at a rate of 50 cmhandles/second (need to confirm ?)  with cache disabled (assumes no dmi-plugin delays, assumes 180 modules per cmhandle with 95% module overlap between cmhandles)


      1. Environment Requirements for (CPS, NCMP and Postgres?!
      2. Starting number of CM Handles, percentage deleted
      3. Number of deletion requests (all in one?)
      4. Assume deleted starts AFTER successful (all in Ready before use case starts)
      5. CPS-Temporal Notification should be disabled for the NCMP Registry dataspace
      6. CM Handle LCM Event enabled


      Test suggestion, add 10,000 cm handles delete them al in one request (if possible) check timings

      Confirm, CPS_temporal notifications are turned off, see https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-1361 (this might already improve the delete throughput)

      • Add groovy test to verify the cm handles deletion performance? can extend existing read, write use cases to include deletion (ie. of 90% of the children created in the write/read test, see src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/spi/performance/CpsToDataNodePerfTest.groovy)

      Acceptance criteria (AC) :

            danielhanrahan Daniel Hanrahan
            sourabh_sourabh Sourabh Sourabh
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
