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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-669

Improvements in the NCMP-DMI plugin OOM charts


      Improvements in the NCMP-DMI plugin OOM charts

      1. missing serviceMonitor in ncmp-dmi-plugin and related changes in the OOM charts.
      2. application-helm.yaml has few environment variables defined for which values are never provided and default values are being used.
      3. sdnc host and port configurations are not picked from values.yml
      4. Extra 'NOTES.txt' in ncmp-dmi-plugin/templates folder
      5. Incorrect readiness check. It is checking if cps-postgres is up rather than cps-core app
      6. Remove logback.xml in the OOM but the application does not support it. Another task opened for adding logback in ncmp-dmi-plugin CPS-668
      7. Make DMI Service name configurable in the application 
      8. Add rolling restart


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