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  1. Data Movement as a Platform
  2. DMAAP-1045

[BC] Bus Controller support adding DR Subcriber by FeedName


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Dublin Release
    • None
    • None
    • DMAAP-Dub-06-(02/08-02/21), DMAAP-Dub-07-(02/22-03/21), DMAAP-Dub-08-(03/22-04/04)

      The Data Router uses a numeric feedID as the unique identifier for a provisioned feed.  The feedID is generated by DR at provisioning time.  Since this feedID is not known in advance, a subscriber must first determine the current feedID for the Feed it wishes to subscribe to.

      A Feed is created with a FeedName and that value would be known to a subscriber.  The subscriber can query Bus Controller using the FeedName, and determine the feedID.  But this isn't so convenient.

      An enhancement would allow a request to add a subscriber to directly specify the FeedName instead of feedID.  The processing would only proceed if a single match was found.

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