Uploaded image for project: 'External API Framework'
  1. External API Framework
  2. EXTAPI-258 "Macro" mode
  3. EXTAPI-368

Preparing the request payload (action = add) for calling SO macro flow


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Guilin Release
    • None
    • NBI

      Option 1:

      • In macro mode, the SO request may also contain, in the "userParams" section, all needed information about VNFs and VF-module(s) to be instantiated.
      • All those necessary information are in the Tosca service definition file generated by SDC.
      • Design the table schema in NBI to store VNF, VF module details like modelName, modelVersionId, modelInvariantUuid, modelCustomizationId etc.
      • After storing data in the tables fetch it and create SO Macro request.
      • NBI to look at VNF, VF-module and Network in the Tosca service definition file in order to build the full "macro" request toward SO.

      Option 2:

      • As SO is already fetching VNF, VF data from csar file and storing in catalogdb.
      • Get data from SO catalogDb based on the ServiceModelName to get the serviceVnfs data and build the Macro Request in NBI, which needs to pass for invoking SO macro request.


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