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  1. Logging analytics
  2. LOG-405

Post Orchestration Audit - Data Dictionary Ingestion into Rules


      As an Operations person, I would like the option to be able to dynamically update the rules with allowed values/tuples from Data Dictionary in order to be able to validate against defined data standards so that exceptions can be identified and reported.

      General Information
      Rules mechanism should be enhanced to validate that individual attribute's value or tuples contain only allowable values from Data Dictionary,
      This story concerns itself with being able to define rules when specified attribute or set of attributes are validated against the Data Dictionary through Data Dictionary interface implemented within a validation service. Since the validation itself occurs in runtime, rather than based on statically defined values. it will allow Data Dictionary be updated at any frequency without affecting the result of the audit process.

      Implementation Hint
      Rule specification should define java building block / method in the "validation" block definition,
      for example:

      rule {
          name        'invoke_builtin'
          category    'INVALID_VALUE'
          description 'Invoke a Java method'
          errorText   'Invalid value'
          severity    'MINOR'
          attributes  'arg'
          validate    'new com.ecomp.aai.validation.ruledriven.rule.builtin.ExampleJavaClass().exampleMethod(arg)'

      when "exampleMethod" will be evaluating attribute/s value via Data Dictionary interface

      public boolean exampleMethod(Object obj) {
                // invoke relevant DD API
               if (attributeValue conforms DD definition)
                  return true;
              } else {
                  return false;


      Rules returned to Validation are inclusive of Data Dictionary allowed values.

      Success Criteria
      Validation includes the associated values and tuples from Data Dictionary
      Ingestion of the Data Dictionary into the rules did not require a restart
      Failed ingestion of Data Dictionary does not prevent Validation from continuing

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