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  1. Logging analytics
  2. LOG-631

Work with SO team on logging without using a library


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Frankfurt Release
    • None
    • None
    • Work with SO team on logging without using a library

      So would require something other than ours or the portal/sdk library - work with the team to determine requirements


      Steve Smokowski
      Why are we requiring the usage of the logging library to dictate levels? Whom decided this? I have no intentions of ever using the library as I feel it does not provide sufficient value, so I assume we will never reach above level 1?

      Reply Likeabout 4 hours ago
      User icon: michaelobrien
      Michael O'Brien
      Sounds good we are planning on using the portal/sdk library.

      Levels can be set independently via the 4 log appenders in logback.xml outside of a library

      <logger name="org.onap.eelf.audit" level="info" additivity="false">

      <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFAudit" />


      <logger name="org.onap.eelf.debug" level="debug" additivity="false">

      <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFDebug" />


      <logger name="org.onap.eelf.error" level="info" additivity="false">

      <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFError" />


      <logger name="org.onap.eelf.metrics" level="info" additivity="false">

      <appender-ref ref="asyncEELFMetrics" />


            pau2882 pau2882
            michaelobrien michaelobrien
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