Resolution: Done
LOG Sprint 8
The logback files provide pattern for log lines as follows -
%d{"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX", UTC}\t[%thread]\t%-5level\t%logger{36}\t%replace(%replace(%replace(%mdc){'\t','\\\\t'}){', ,'\t'}){'\n', '\\\\n'}\t%replace(%replace(%msg){'\n', '\\\\n'}){'\t','\\\\t'}%n
In this the logger field has a length restriction of 36 which is unnecessary. It shortens logger name causing significant loss of meaning.
Please post test results: before/after in an example log from a deployed system
- is cloned by
LOG-65 SO Logging Provider Config File need correction in Timestamp MDC
- Closed
- relates to
LOG-71 Some of the AAI ELK logs are missing from 20171004 that were in around 20170928
- Closed
OOM-112 OOM ONAP Logging - Configuration of all ONAP components to emit canonical logs
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned in
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