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  1. ONAP Operations Manager
  2. OOM-1753

Fixing yaml-lint warnings


    • OOM-Offline Sprint 3

      There are bunch of warnings reported by ansible-lint check:



      scope of this task is to fix those:

      602 Don't compare to empty string

      • application_custom_role | trim != ''

      301 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
      Task/Handler: Helm init and upgrade

      301 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
      Task/Handler: Wait for helm upgrade to finish

      301 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
      Task/Handler: Get all helm repos

      301 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
      Task/Handler: Helm Serve

      301 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
      Task/Handler: Helm Add Repo

      206 Variables should have spaces before and after: {{ var_name }}
      dest: "{{ app_data_path}}/override.yaml"

      301 Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
      Task/Handler: Helm Install application {{ app_name }}

      503 Tasks that run when changed should likely be handlers
      Task/Handler: Extract root certificate

      502 All tasks should be named
      Task/Handler: set_fact component={{ (item.path | basename | splitext)[0] }} _file=/w/workspace/offline-installer-master-yaml-lint/ansible/roles/nexus/tasks/insert-images.yml __line_=5

      204 Lines should be no longer than 160 chars

      • name: "Unarchive resource {{ resources_dir }}/{{ resource_source_filename }} to {{ resource_destination_directory }} dir on infrastructure servers over nfs"

      502 All tasks should be named
      Task/Handler: file state=touch path={{ resource_destination_directory }}/{{ resource_source_filename }}-uploaded _file=/w/workspace/offline-installer-master-yaml-lint/ansible/roles/resource-data/tasks/unarchive-resource.yml __line_=38

      502 All tasks should be named
      Task/Handler: fail msg=Upload of {{ resource_source_filename }} failed _file=/w/workspace/offline-installer-master-yaml-lint/ansible/roles/resource-data/tasks/unarchive-resource.yml __line_=55

      204 Lines should be no longer than 160 chars

      • name: "Unarchive resource {{ resources_dir }}/{{ resource_source_filename }} to {{ resource_destination_directory }} dir on infrastructure servers over ssh"

            michal.ptacek michal.ptacek
            michal.ptacek michal.ptacek
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