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  1. Optimization Framework
  2. OPTFRA-506

Homing Response Error: InterfaceError exception occurred contacting external system "Plan is unable to reserve"


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Dublin Release
    • Dublin Release
    • OSDF
    • OOF Tenant in Intel ONAP Lab

      Sending a homing request to OSDF returns an error message that includes "Tried 1 times. Plan 2240bb27-597a-4622-9e98-091ea0594fd1 is unable to reserve" but includes a 200 status code and the following service exception: '
      "text":"A request exception has occurred when contacting an external system",

      The full response from OSDF is:

      { "href":"https://oof-has-api:8091/v1/plans/2240bb27-597a-46229e98-091ea0594fd1", "rel":"self" }


      { "attribute_name":"firewall_flavor_name", "attribute_value":"onap.hpa.flavor41" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "attribute_name":"packetgen_flavor_name", "attribute_value":"onap.hpa.flavor42" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "attribute_name":"sink_flavor_name", "attribute_value":"onap.hpa.flavor42" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "attribute_name":"flavorId", "attribute_value":"442" }


      { "location_type":"att_aic", "candidate_id":"ONAP-POD-01-Rail-07", "cloud_owner":"CloudOwner", "vim-id":"CloudOwner_ONAP-POD-01-Rail-07", "is_rehome":"false", "inventory_type":"cloud", "location_id":"ONAP-POD-01-Rail-07" }

      "message":"Tried 1 times. Plan 2240bb27-597a-4622-9e98-091ea0594fd1 is unable to reserve"

      { "text":"A request exception has occurred when contacting an external system", "errorType":"InterfaceError" }


            ruoyu ruoyu
            mgkwill mgkwill
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
