• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • London Release
    • None
    • clamp
    • Policy 2023-03-23->2023-04-06, Policy 2023-04-05->2023-04-19, Policy 2023-04-20->2023-05-03


      Page with Link General Required Changes
      TOSCA Defined Automation Compositions: Architecture and Design
      1. Common and Instance Properties - are these concepts still valid?
      2. Priming - now priming is performed via an endpoint and triggered by a user - where before we said that priming takes place when a participant registers and when a AC Type is commissioned
      3. States have to be updated - INITIALIZED, UNINITIALIZED and RUNNING states are now invalid
      4. Automation Composition Instance States diagram will have to change - states are invalid
      5. References to DMAAP should at least include addtional references to Strimzi-Kafka
      The ACM Automation Composition Participant Protocol
      1. State change and priming needs to be updated
      2. Messages table needs to be updated
      The CLAMP Automation Composition Runtime
      1. References to specific endpoints need to change
      2. Full inventory of new endpoints need to be added
      3. State change is referred to multiple times. Messages have all changed now
      4. Does start phase remain the same?
      5. Description of messages needs to change...
      Participant Intermediary
      1. New messages will need to be added
      2. Existing messages may need to be updated
      Http Participant
      1. New messages will need to be added
      2. Existing messages may need to be updated
      Kubernetes Participant
      1. State change references need to change
      2. DMAAP references may need to include Kafka
      Policy Participant
      1. States need to be updated
      A1 Policy Participant  1. Needs to be added
      Kserve Participant 1. Needs to be added
      The Policy GUI for Automation Compositions
      1. Will need to be updated for the new GUI
      2. Remove references to clamp backend
       Defining Automation Compositions in TOSCA for CLAMP
      1. Diagram includes references to Tosca Concept Identifier - has been replaced with UUID 
      2. Common and Instance properties still valid?
      3. Page is the closest thing we have to a guide on writing a custom AC Definition
      REST APIs for CLAMP Automation Compositions
       1. Will need a complete update based on new endpoints
      TOSCA Policy GUI
      1. Needs a full update once the GUI work is done
      TOSCA Policy Testing Upgrade
      1. Releases included Istanbul and Jakarta - Kohn has to be added



            saul.gill Saul Gill
            saul.gill Saul Gill
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