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  1. Portal
  2. PORTAL-399

ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server - PORTAL-498/399


      ONAP was installed on Open Stack according to instructions here: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/oom.git/docs/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.html

      and then here with latest master branch commit in OOM repository today, Tuesday 25 September 2018:



      Portal won't work because:

      2018-09-25 19:09:32,582 - INFO - casablanca-portal-portal-db-config has not succeeded yet

      seen with: 

      kubectl -n onap logs casablanca-portal-portal-app-7c48b7c457-qbkj6 portal-app-job-completion 


      Logs of container in db-config pod show following error:

      kubectl -n onap logs casablanca-portal-portal-db-config-sww8g portal-db-job
      + mysql -vv --user=root --password=Aa123456 --host=portal-db --port=3306 --force
      ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server


      user table in database only allows connections from the portal-db container:

      kubectl -n onap exec -it casablanca-portal-portal-db-74df94cb7c-vq8l9 -- mysql -D mysql -h localhost -e 'select * from user'
      | Host                                         | User | Password |
      | localhost                                    | root |          |
      | casablanca-portal-portal-db-74df94cb7c-vq8l9 | root |          |
      |                                    | root |          |
      | ::1                                          | root |          |
      | localhost                                    |      |          |
      | casablanca-portal-portal-db-74df94cb7c-vq8l9 |      |          |

      Full output attached with more columns


      Same response from all locations. Even in DB container, server localhost has to be specified.

      kubectl -n onap exec -it casablanca-portal-portal-db-74df94cb7c-vq8l9 mysql
       ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server


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