
    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Amsterdam Release
    • Amsterdam Release
    • SDC
    • None
    • SDC Sprint 4

      it looks like in the last two weeks a change was entered that extended the build time to almost an hour.

      The original build time was 23 minutes this needs to be addressed fast since it makes the dev work cycle ineffective.

      on local machines the build time takes 40 up to an hour:

      from a review it looks like the onboarding war is the one taking most of the time about 28 minets.


      [INFO] Reactor Summary:
      [INFO] sdc ................................................ SUCCESS [ 4.157 s]
      [INFO] build-tools ........................................ SUCCESS [ 0.967 s]
      [INFO] sdc-onboarding ..................................... SUCCESS [ 2.290 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-common-lib ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.368 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-logging-lib .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.085 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-configuration-management-test ............ SUCCESS [ 5.896 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-configuration-management-test ............ SUCCESS [ 7.074 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-artifact-generator-api ............... SUCCESS [ 10.371 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-artifact-generator-core .............. SUCCESS [ 14.749 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-artifact-generator-test .............. SUCCESS [ 4.503 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-artifact-generator-lib ............... SUCCESS [ 0.075 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-common-configuration-management .......... SUCCESS [ 0.072 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-configuration-management-api ............. SUCCESS [ 0.791 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-configuration-management-core ............ SUCCESS [ 3.842 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-configuration-management-cli ............. SUCCESS [ 7.940 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-configuration-management-test ............ SUCCESS [ 1.308 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-tosca-datatype ........................... SUCCESS [ 1.898 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc ...................................... SUCCESS [ 0.664 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-lib .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.202 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-logging-lib .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.072 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-api .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.810 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-core ......................... SUCCESS [ 1.115 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-core-lib ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.024 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-utilities-lib ............................ SUCCESS [ 4.768 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-datatypes-lib ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.382 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-common-lib ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.607 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-api .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.029 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.041 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-common-rest .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.161 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-facade-api ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.449 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-facade-core .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.707 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-api .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.566 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-core ............................. SUCCESS [ 1.285 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-api ....................... SUCCESS [ 1.121 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-lib ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.025 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-api ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.490 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-plugin .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.736 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-core ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.980 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-core ...................... SUCCESS [ 5.304 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-api ................... SUCCESS [ 1.526 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-core .................. SUCCESS [ 1.921 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-api ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.537 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-heat-lib ................................. SUCCESS [ 1.321 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.540 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-core ...................... SUCCESS [ 4.539 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-tosca-lib ................................ SUCCESS [ 16.171 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-api ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.323 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-impl ...................... SUCCESS [ 13.864 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-core ...................... SUCCESS [ 30.469 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-api ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.665 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-api ............................ SUCCESS [ 4.677 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-core ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.732 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-config-lib ............................... SUCCESS [ 1.005 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-lib .......... SUCCESS [ 0.035 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-api .......... SUCCESS [ 4.768 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-lib ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.025 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-api ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.479 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-impl ........................... SUCCESS [ 1.026 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-api .................. SUCCESS [ 0.598 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-core ......... SUCCESS [ 5.272 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-impl ...................... SUCCESS [ 2.262 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-core ...................... SUCCESS [ 5.095 s]
      [INFO] backend ............................................ SUCCESS [ 0.018 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-manager ................... SUCCESS [ 0.730 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-healing-lib .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.038 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-api .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.516 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-core ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.777 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-impl ......................... SUCCESS [ 7.276 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-lib ..................... SUCCESS [ 0.029 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-api ..................... SUCCESS [ 0.381 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-core .................... SUCCESS [ 0.344 s]
      [INFO] activity-log-rest .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.025 s]
      [INFO] activity-log-rest-types ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.180 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-manager ................. SUCCESS [ 0.437 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-core ................. SUCCESS [ 0.752 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchestration-lib .................... SUCCESS [ 0.029 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-api .................... SUCCESS [ 0.109 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-core ................... SUCCESS [ 0.122 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-core ..................... SUCCESS [ 7.115 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-manager ...... SUCCESS [ 6.535 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-manager ............... SUCCESS [ 1.912 s]
      [INFO] vendor-license-rest ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.029 s]
      [INFO] vendor-license-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.924 s]
      [INFO] vendor-license-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [ 1.392 s]
      [INFO] activity-log-rest-services ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.416 s]
      [INFO] vendor-software-products-rest ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.027 s]
      [INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-types ................ SUCCESS [ 1.421 s]
      [INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-services ............. SUCCESS [ 1.966 s]
      [INFO] validation-rest .................................... SUCCESS [ 0.028 s]
      [INFO] validation-rest-types .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.376 s]
      [INFO] validation-rest-services ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.729 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healthcheck-manager .................. SUCCESS [ 0.569 s]
      [INFO] healthcheck-rest ................................... SUCCESS [ 0.016 s]
      [INFO] healthcheck-rest-types ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.225 s]
      [INFO] healthcheck-rest-services .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.552 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-application-config-manager ........... SUCCESS [ 1.137 s]
      [INFO] application-config-rest ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.025 s]
      [INFO] application-config-rest-types ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.206 s]
      [INFO] application-config-rest-services ................... SUCCESS [ 0.594 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-lib ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.025 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-api ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.948 s]
      [INFO] action-library-rest ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.032 s]
      [INFO] action-library-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.327 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-core .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.538 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-manager ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.838 s]
      [INFO] action-library-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.706 s]
      [INFO] onboarding-rest-war ................................ SUCCESS [ 13.655 s]
      [INFO] sequence-rest ...................................... SUCCESS [ 0.258 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-facade-lib ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.083 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-lib .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.078 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-lib ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.049 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-lib .................. SUCCESS [ 0.031 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-lib ................... SUCCESS [ 0.037 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.251 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-impl ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.171 s]
      [INFO] att-sdc-translator-impl ............................ SUCCESS [ 1.709 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-lib ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.022 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-lib ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.110 s]
      [INFO] att-sdc-validation-impl ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.788 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-lib ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.020 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-lib ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.180 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-impl ................... SUCCESS [ 0.160 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-sdc-configuration ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.039 s]
      [INFO] api-docs ........................................... SUCCESS [ 2.081 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-migration ....................... SUCCESS [ 6.366 s]
      [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-tools ........................... SUCCESS [ 5.457 s]
      [INFO] onboarding-ui-war .................................. SUCCESS [28:12 min]
      [INFO] security-utils ..................................... SUCCESS [ 2.589 s]
      [INFO] common-app-api ..................................... SUCCESS [ 9.659 s]
      [INFO] common-be .......................................... SUCCESS [ 4.668 s]
      [INFO] catalog-dao ........................................ SUCCESS [ 46.589 s]
      [INFO] catalog-model ...................................... SUCCESS [01:07 min]
      [INFO] catalog-be ......................................... SUCCESS [01:14 min]
      [INFO] asdctool ........................................... SUCCESS [ 48.079 s]
      [INFO] catalog-ui ......................................... SUCCESS [01:39 min]
      [INFO] catalog-fe ......................................... SUCCESS [ 17.891 s]
      [INFO] asdc-tests ......................................... SUCCESS [ 26.535 s]
      [INFO] test-apis-ci ....................................... SUCCESS [ 19.765 s]
      [INFO] ui-ci .............................................. SUCCESS [ 34.252 s]
      [INFO] sdc-os-chef ........................................ SUCCESS [ 0.317 s]
      [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      [INFO] Total time: 40:03 min
      [INFO] Finished at: 2017-09-20T15:53:07+03:00
      [INFO] Final Memory: 560M/2202M
      [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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