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  1. Network Controller
  2. SDNC-1605

[5G Closed Loop] Slice Analysis error calling Config-db


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • Honolulu Release
    • None
    • None



      Hi all, I was testing the 5G ClosedLoop: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/ClosedLoop+Setup


      and I was not able to reproduce successfully it.



      Slice Analysis MS cannot retrieve valid config from config-db while testing intelligent slicing use case scenario.


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Download Config-db binary and schema: https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/84671149/configdb.tar?version=1&modificationDate=1622113127000&api=v2
      2. Execute the steps described in the webpage for config-db setup: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Config+DB+setup  
      3. Launch config_requests_script.sh in order to populate db:  https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/84661361/config_requests_script.sh?version=1&modificationDate=1606111033000&api=v2


      The script seems not working because we did not find expected data for slicing ID into the config-db.

      We also found that the v4.sql of the tar we downloaded from step 1 is different from the link documented in step 2


      1. PUT XML Anf1_1.xml (find below) directly to pm-mapper topic
      2. Pm-mapper sends PM event messages on topic where the Slice-analysis MS is subscribed to.
      3. Slice-analysis MS receives PM event messages and it queries config-db for du-list for a specific NSSI value.
      4. Config-db api returns null



      Please find below logs:


      • ConfigDb population**

      I tested both config_request.sh (point 3) script and manually with the following http request:


      PUT http://xx.xx.14.xx:8080/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearRTRIC
                     "configData": {



      {    "timestamp": "2021-08-30T12:50:50.970+0000",    "status": 400,    "error": "Bad Request",    "message": "JSON parse error: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.util.ArrayList` out of START_OBJECT token; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.util.ArrayList` out of START_OBJECT token\n at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 15, column: 21] (through reference chain: com.onap.configdb.web.mapper.NearRTRICModel[\"pLMNInfoList\"]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->com.onap.configdb.web.mapper.PLMNInfoModel[\"sNSSAI\"])",    "path": "/api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearRTRIC"}



      • Slice Analysis ms 



      *From https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=92998809* 


      *curl -k -X PUT https://dcae-pm-mapper:8443/delivery/Anf1_1.xml*
      -H 'X-DMAAP-DR-META:{"productName": "AcmeNode","vendorName":"Acme","lastEpochMicrosec": "1538478000000","sourceName": "oteNB5309","startEpochMicrosec": "1538478900000","timeZoneOffset": "UTC+05:00","location": "ftpes://","compression": "gzip","fileFormatType": "org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec","fileFormatVersion": "V9"}'
      -H "Content-Type:application/xml"
      --data-binary @Anf1_1.xml
      -H 'X-ONAP-RequestID: 12345'
      -H 'X-DMAAP-DR-PUBLISH-ID: 12345' 

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <measCollecFile xmlns="http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/specs/archive/32_series/32.435#measCollec">    <fileHeader dnPrefix="some dnPrefix" vendorName="Acme Ltd"                fileFormatVersion="32.435 V10.0">        <fileSender localDn="2"/>        <measCollec beginTime="2018-10-02T12:00:00+01:00"/>    </fileHeader>    <measData>        <managedElement swVersion="r0.1" localDn="2"/>        <measInfo measInfoId="some measInfoId">            <job jobId="some Job Id"/>            <granPeriod endTime="2018-10-02T12:15:00Z" duration="PT900S"/>            <repPeriod duration="PT900S"/>            <measType p="1">SM.PrbUsedDl.001-010000</measType>            <measType p="2">SM.PrbUsedUl.001-010000</measType>            <measValue measObjLdn="95697155">                <r p="1">80</r>                <r p="2">70</r>                <suspect>false</suspect>            </measValue>            <measValue measObjLdn="95697175">                <r p="1">82</r>                <r p="2">72</r>                <suspect>false</suspect>            </measValue>            <measValue measObjLdn="95697174">                <r p="1">85</r>                <r p="2">75</r>                <suspect>false</suspect>            </measValue>        </measInfo>    </measData>    <fileFooter>        <measCollec endTime="2018-10-02T12:15:00+01:00"/>    </fileFooter> </measCollecFile>



      Slice Analysis log:


      14:49:41.204 [Thread-10] INFO o.o.s.a.ms.service.ConsumerThread - Starting Consumer Thread
       14:49:41.204 [Thread-10] INFO o.o.s.a.ms.service.ConsumerThread - Consumer thread processing data for s-nssai 001-010000
       14:49:41.228 [Thread-10] ERROR o.o.s.a.ms.service.ConsumerThread - Exception caught while fetching nfs of snssai 001-010000, null



      Checking the plmninfo table (in onap_demo db, inside configdb container),  it is empty.


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