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  1. Service Orchestrator
  2. SO-1861

vCPE infra vnf is not shown in vnf_resource table


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • Dublin Release
    • Dublin Release
    • Integration-OOM-Daily in Windriver lab

      After vCPE infra service is distributed successfully from SDC, vCPE infra vnf is not shown in SO vnf_resource table:

      MariaDB [catalogdb]> select model_uuid, model_invariant_uuid, model_name from vnf_resource;
      | model_uuid                           | model_invariant_uuid                 | model_name                 |
      | 1ca0ab4e-8011-4d28-b253-4e1a3fc3f4a2 | 8e881328-0840-4a00-a052-b43eba4e10d1 | vFWCL_vPKG 8d34e928-668c   |
      | 3c88f25e-aae2-4e39-beb6-baff75fa5248 | 9c720165-8c10-4c03-ba8a-0dd2039bcbd6 | vFWCL_vFWSNK 63d21221-67b2 |
      | 4dfc96eb-5f1a-4c00-aa62-94e30fd3f236 | 5962ab7d-685a-43e1-99be-6dbf78262200 | vVG 4284a638-0709          |
      | 694320f7-35db-460a-b0cf-534838f2aa3a | 067bc7df-010d-413c-827c-f674f853a0c6 | vFWCL_vFWSNK d252194c-d384 |
      | 6e61cfa6-ebaa-49d1-bb6c-35e1870b4d8e | d27ddadf-19ad-4aee-908e-98c3f245de2b | vCPE_vgw a2f0995a-4a23     |
      | b73eda13-1af2-4275-9df7-fb2e3cc446cd | e0fb156a-11f7-4525-a5ba-e6e33e1ec094 | vLBMS 151a0dd3-b869        |
      | d2c5135b-6402-413c-9164-3f7e97192587 | f4acd244-cdc2-4922-aff3-7125955b7194 | vFWCL_vPKG 86223623-f439   |
      | ec8d8267-2f75-4899-b939-863d3bc85c44 | 2f90365f-e456-4927-add9-e35f73781fb3 | vLBMS 5d2c583c-aa5a        |
      | f5750924-0516-4bb0-a690-82c27929b40f | f0abd6ab-794f-4d34-a400-96675b092747 | vCPE_vbrgemu c5a5b1c0-ea83 |
      9 rows in set (0.08 sec)


      Subsequent vCPE infra service creation request to SO fails with message of "No valid vnfResource is specified".

      See the same issue on both SO released version and latest Dublin branch. 

      vCPE infra service CSAR and so-sdnc-controller debug log are attached.




        1. api-handler.debug.log
          7.01 MB
        2. BPMN.debug.log
          5.57 MB
        3. Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 12.06.15 PM.png
          Screen Shot 2019-05-10 at 12.06.15 PM.png
          639 kB
        4. sdc-controller.debug.log
          2.27 MB
        5. service-Demovcpeinfra-csar (2).csar
          113 kB

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