Resolution: Done
Dublin Release
Fixes work in Integration-SB-00 (jump host to K8S cluster:
SO tables aren’t updated as they should to run scale out use case. The following fixes should be applied:
a) Change action to scaleOut in northbound table (it was called something else that I can’t remember)
update northbound_request_ref_lookup set ACTION='scaleOut' where MACRO_ACTION='VFModule-ScaleOut';
b) Change resource type and target action in building_block_detail table
update building_block_detail set RESOURCE_TYPE='VF_MODULE', TARGET_ACTION='CUSTOM' where BUILDING_BLOCK_NAME='ConfigurationScaleOutBB';
update building_block_detail set RESOURCE_TYPE='VNF', TARGET_ACTION='CUSTOM' where BUILDING_BLOCK_NAME='GenericVnfHealthCheckBB';
For some reason, the original table had
416 | ConfigurationScaleOutBB | VF_MODULE | CREATE |
419 | GenericVnfHealthCheckBB | VF_MODULE | CREATE |
c) Set target action to CUSTOM for different resource types and orchestration status in orchestration status table (NOTE: below is just an example, it should be done for ALL combinations of resource types and orchestration statuses)
insert into orchestration_status_state_transition_directive (RESOURCE_TYPE,ORCHESTRATION_STATUS,TARGET_ACTION,FLOW_DIRECTIVE) values ('VNF','ACTIVE','CUSTOM','CONTINUE');
insert into orchestration_status_state_transition_directive (RESOURCE_TYPE,ORCHESTRATION_STATUS,TARGET_ACTION,FLOW_DIRECTIVE) values ('VF_MODULE','ACTIVE','CUSTOM','CONTINUE');
orchestration_status_state_transition_directive has TARGET_TYPE=CUSTOM only for RESOURCE_TYPE=NO_VALIDATE.
The alternative to points 1.b and 1.c is to set RESOURCE_TYPE=NO_VALIDATE in building_block_detail table, but I’m not sure about the effect of that or what NO_VALIDATE means. If NO_VALIDATE skips AAI, then it’s not a viable option because we need to get the VNF IP from AAI.