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  1. Service Orchestrator
  2. SO-2843

Support NS LCM and Workflows Management


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Guilin Release
    • None
    • Support NS LCM and Workflows Management
    • To Do

      • Supports NS LCM and Workflows in SO NFVO(P1)
        • Builds the NS LCM Manager component in SO NFVO to manage the following NS orchestration operations by leveraging NS workflows and business logic.
          • CreateNS
          • InstantiateNS
          • TerminateNS
          • DeleteNS 
        • Builds default the following NS workflows and business logic with embedded Camunda Process instance(s) in SO NFVO
          • CreateNS bpmn files with business logic
          • InstantiateNS bpmn files with business logic
          • TerminateNS bpmn files with business logic
          • DeleteNS bpmn files with business logic 
        • Note: when ONAP Dynamic BPMN is available, follow the "Package and deploy NS LCM Workflows with business logic" use case.

            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
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