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  1. Service Orchestrator
  2. SO-2844

Support for NS Resource Infra Management (RIM) Manager


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Support for NS Resource Infra Management (RIM) Manager
    • To Do

      • ProvidesĀ Resource Granting Information through OOF (Policy, MultiCloud, A&AI) (P1)
        • Supports interfaces with OOF to collect Granting information
        • Collects Homing information from OOF or ONAP SO (service-level homing thru OOF)
        • Cache/Persist Resource Homing information from ONAP SO or OOF
        • Provides the Grant information to other NFVO components
      • SupportsĀ Or-Vi Interfaces that provided by VIM, Infrastructure Manager, VIM or CaaS manager (note: for Guilin, many of them would be stretch goals) (P1 Partial)
        • Software Image Management (P1)
        • Container Image Management (P2)
        • Virtualized Resources Information Management
        • Virtualized Resources Capacity Management
        • Virtualized Resources Management
        • Virtualized Resources Change Management
        • Virtualized Resources Reservation Management
        • Virtualized Resource Quota Management
        • Virtualized Resource Performance Management
        • Virtualized Resource Fault Management
        • Network Forwarding Path (NFP) Management

            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
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