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  1. Service Orchestrator
  2. SO-352

SO failed to create VNF - with error message: Internal Error Occurred in CreateVnfInfra QueryCatalogDB Process


      on try to create VNF for vFW via VID SO failed with 'Internal Error Occurred in CreateVnfInfra QueryCatalogDB Process'. see attached screen.

      That issue happens inconsistently, but once it happens it consistently happens on the running container. Restarting SO container solved that issue, but sometimes it required few attempts.

      The reason to that issue is failure to serialize vnfs (JSONArray), it failed in CreateVnfInfra.queryCatalogDB in line #459 execution.setVariable("CREVI_vnfs", vnfs)

      It seems the reason to failure that some class is loaded from different jar each time (need farther investigation).

      it failed with below exception,

      Cannot serialize object in variable 'CREVI_vnfs': SPIN/JACKSON-JSON-01009 Unable to map object 


      ,"hasVolumeGroup":true,"isBase":false}],"modelInfo":{"modelInvariantUuid":"e94adbac-45c1-4ca4-bdc0-80a549c3cb9e","modelName":"Server","modelVersion":"1.0","modelCustomizationUuid":"6c467856-3d15-4f6b-8e61-85ef85e52644","modelInstanceName":"Server 0","modelUuid":"bce023c2-7f1c-4d45-893c-03fb609d9f6a"},"nfRole":"","nfType":"","nfFunction":"","nfNamingCode":""}]' to json node

            eyalholz eyalholz
            eyalholz eyalholz
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