Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task CPS-1246

CPS-1126 Investigation SQL Error fetching Resource Ids by Module References

Priyank Maheshwari Priyank Maheshwari Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task CPS-1232

CPS-1126 Handle partial failure when saving batches (cm handle create)

Priyank Maheshwari Toine Siebelink High Closed Done  
Sub-task CPS-1231

CPS-1126 Use state-save-batch capability (depends sub-task12, 13)

Priyank Maheshwari Sourabh Sourabh Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task CPS-1230

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Use save batches of cmhandles

Sourabh Sourabh Sourabh Sourabh Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task CPS-1229

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Save cm handles in batch capability

Priyank Maheshwari Sourabh Sourabh Medium Closed Done  
Sub-task CPS-1210

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Use Priority Queue in Hazelcast (instead of concurrent map)

Toine Siebelink Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1209

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Decouple Temporal DB Notification from main thread

Priyank Maheshwari Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1208

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Insert all yang resources for a schema set into one operation

Toine Siebelink Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1207

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Detaching fragment entities early

Priyank Maheshwari Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1206

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Native query to more efficiently get all yangResourceIds

Toine Siebelink Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1205

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Updating (many) child datanodes/datanode tree into one SQL operation

kissand Toine Siebelink High Closed Duplicate 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1204

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Configurable parallelism in Watchdog Executor

Unassigned Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1203

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Save/update batch of CM-Handle States in one operation

lukegleeson Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1202

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Use Hazelcast to store Advised CM handles upon registration

Sourabh Sourabh Toine Siebelink Lowest Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1201

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Increase Connection Time-Out

Priyank Maheshwari Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1200

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Watchdog Parallel execution

Sourabh Sourabh Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1199

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Async Notification Pool Configuration

Toine Siebelink Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
Sub-task CPS-1198

CPS-1126 Performance Improvement: Postgres Pool Configuration

Toine Siebelink Toine Siebelink High Closed Done 22/Aug/22
