Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task CPS-1389

CPS-1259 [NCMP] Add Mechanism for Clients to Subscribe for Notifications

Unassigned josephkeenan Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task CPS-1388

CPS-1259 [NMCP] Forward Message to Subscribed Client Topics

Unassigned josephkeenan Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task CPS-1387

CPS-1259 [NCMP] Process Consumed Message & Persist (if flag enabled)

Unassigned josephkeenan Medium Closed Won't Do  
Sub-task CPS-1384

CPS-1259 [DMI] Configure DMI to Receive A&AI Notifications

Unassigned josephkeenan Medium Closed Won't Do  
