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- CLAMP-872
Communicate API changes to other projects - CLAMP-873
Update platform maturity chart - CLAMP-874
Update the FOSS wiki page - CLAMP-877
Add documents to document tracking table - HOLMES-318
Assign issues to Guilin release - HOLMES-322
Update the FOSS wiki page - USECASEUI-452
CII badging update - VFC-1678
Assign issues to Guilin release - VFC-1680
Communicate API changes to other projects - MODELING-378
Update the FOSS wiki page - MODELING-376
Communicate API changes to other projects - VFC-1685
Add documents to document tracking table - MODELING-381
Add documents to document tracking table - VID-849
Add documents to document tracking table - VID-848
Review Code Coverage goal vs. actuals - VID-847
CII badging update - VID-846
Update the FOSS wiki page - VID-845
Update platform maturity chart - VID-844
Communicate API changes to other projects - USECASEUI-450
Update platform maturity chart - USECASEUI-454
Add documents to document tracking table - CLAMP-875
CII badging update - MODELING-374
Assign issues to Guilin release - SDC-3175
Complete release planning template - SDC-3138
Update platform maturity chart - SDC-3139
Update the FOSS wiki page - SDC-3142
Add documents to document tracking table - SDC-3140
CII badging update - AAI-2949
Update platform maturity chart - CLAMP-871
Request an architectural subcommittee review - MSB-482
Assign issues to Guilin release - MSB-484
Communicate API changes to other projects - USECASEUI-447
Assign issues to Guilin release - USECASEUI-455
Complete release planning template - INT-1647
Add documents to document tracking table - HOLMES-321
Update platform maturity chart - OPTFRA-783
Update the FOSS wiki page - HOLMES-323
CII badging update - MULTICLOUD-1084
Assign issues to Guilin release - MULTICLOUD-1086
Communicate API changes to other projects - MULTICLOUD-1087
Update platform maturity chart - MULTICLOUD-1088
Update the FOSS wiki page - MULTICLOUD-1089
CII badging update - MULTICLOUD-1091
Add documents to document tracking table - MULTICLOUD-1085
Request an architectural subcommittee review - SDC-3137
Communicate API changes to other projects - OPTFRA-786
Add documents to document tracking table - VNFSDK-599
Assign issues to Guilin release - VNFSDK-601
Communicate API changes to other projects - VNFSDK-602
Update platform maturity chart
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