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- LOG-576
Retrofit elasticsearch indexing for MDCs - parse out key/value pairs - LOG-574
Reserve 30258 nodeport for logdemonode service - LOG-466
Address audit results on test/library code - LOG-255
Arch subcommittee review of Casablanca logging spec - LOG-191
logging library jar in nexus.onap.org repo - LOG-168
Support configmaps via latest Helm - follow OOM-460 - LOG-159
Prep for vF2F in Feb presentation on RI - LOG-153
Logging RI: Add Eclipse .classpath and .project structure required to debug WAR in IDE - LOG-151
Logging RI: Developer documentation - LOG-149
Add CI official test suite under LF jenkins - LOG-148
Logging Library Test Framework - LOG-139
Logging RI: logback.xml reference example for use in the OOM RI microservice config - LOG-137
Logging RI: Code OOM kubernetes template/values yamls for RI microservice and filebeat container - LOG-136
Logging RI: Code/build/tag microservice docker image - LOG-135
Logging RI: Code example microservice war with a minimal REST API using the logging library - LOG-121
Logging RI: Add REST traffic generator - LOG-120
Logging RI: Generate Logging RI Project Structure
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