Sun Mar 08 2020 15:47:17 GMT+0200 (Israel Standard Time)

Given I want to create a VLM 124ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 320ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 36ms

When I want to delete for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/orchestration-template-candidate" 41ms

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 65ms

Then I want to check property "onboardingOrigin" does not exist 1ms

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "validationData" does not exist 0s

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 42ms

When I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 53ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 33ms

Then I want to check property "validationData" exists 0s

When I want to delete for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/orchestration-template-candidate" 36ms

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 52ms

Then I want to check property "onboardingOrigin" does not exist 1ms

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" does not exist 1ms

Then I want to check property "validationData" does not exist 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 126ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 362ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 13ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 41ms

Then I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 1s 16ms

When I want to delete for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/orchestration-template-candidate" 31ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 70ms

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "onboardingOrigin" for value "zip" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 194ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 327ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 54ms

Then I want to check property "onboardingOrigin" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" does not exist 0s

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 38ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 39ms

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" exists 0s

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" for value "zip" 0s

Then I want to check property "onboardingOrigin" does not exist 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 133ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 313ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 41ms

Then I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 935ms

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 42ms

Then I want to check property "onboardingOrigin" for value "zip" 0s

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 37ms

Then I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 42ms

Then I want to check property "status" for value "Failure" 0s

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 25ms

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" for value "zip" 0s

When I want to delete for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/orchestration-template-candidate" 31ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 43ms

Then I want to check property "onboardingOrigin" for value "zip" 0s

Then I want to check property "candidateOnboardingOrigin" does not exist 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 110ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 49ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 330ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 34ms

Then I want the following to fail 1ms

When I want to submit this VSP 55ms

Given I want to create a VLM 112ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 129ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 368ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 17ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 70ms

Then I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 148ms

Then I want the following to fail 0s

When I want to submit this VSP 116ms

Given I want to create a VLM 438ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 509ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 7ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 94ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 2s 191ms

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" 22ms

Then I want to copy to property "componentId" from response data path "results[0].id" 0s

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 4 0s

Then I want to check property "results[0].id" exists 0s

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/components/{componentId}" 16ms

Then I want to check property "" exists 0s

Then I want to check property "data.displayName" exists 0s

Then I want to copy to property "firstCompDisplayName" from response data path "data.displayName" 1ms

Then I want to check property "data.vfcCode" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "data.nfcFunction" does not exist 0s

When I want to get the questionnaire for this component 58ms

Then I want to check value of "general.nfcNamingCode" in the questionnaire data with value of property "firstCompDisplayName" 0s

And I want to update this questionnaire with value "general/nfcNamingCode" for property "test_update_naming_code" 0s

And I want to update this questionnaire with value "general/nfcFunction" for property "test_function" 0s

And I want to update this questionnaire 23ms

When I want to get the questionnaire for this component 52ms

Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcNamingCode" for property "test_update_naming_code" 0s

Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcFunction" for property "test_function" 0s

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 36ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 2s 936ms

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" 22ms

Then I want to set componentId for component name in property "firstCompDisplayName" 1ms

When I want to get the questionnaire for this component 41ms

Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcNamingCode" for property "test_update_naming_code" 0s

Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "general/nfcFunction" for property "test_function" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 100ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 49ms

Then I want to check user "mb033001" has no permissions on this Item 11ms

When I want to add user "mb0001" as a contributor to this Item 10ms

Then I want to get the permissions for this Item 6ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 2 0s

Then I want to check user "cs0008" has role "owner" on this Item 6ms + Show Error
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: User not found
    at /Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/stepDefinitions/Collaboration_Steps.js:72:10
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)

Then I want to check user "mb0001" has role "contributor" on this Item 0s

When I want to set the user to "aaaa" 0s

When I want to get the permissions for this Item 0s

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 2 0s

When I want to set the user to "mb0001" 0s

Then I want the following to fail 0s

When I want to change the owner to user "mb0001" on this Item 0s

When I want to set the user to "cs0008" 0s

When I want to change the owner to user "mb0001" on this Item 0s

Then I want to get the permissions for this Item 0s

Then I want to check user "cs0008" has role "contributor" on this Item 0s

Then I want to check user "mb0001" has role "owner" on this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 129ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 250ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 7ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 29ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 854ms

When I want to download the NetworkPackage for this VSP to path "resources/downloads/" 41ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to check property "data[0].file" for value "CB_BASE.yaml" 0s

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 0s

Then I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['CB_MUX.yaml'][0].level" for value "WARNING" 0s

Given Response Data: 0s
  "field1" : "string field",
  "field2" : true,
  "field3": "5",
  "field4" : [{"entry1":"a"},{"entry2":"b"},{"entry3":"c"}]

Then I want to print the context data 0s

Then I want to check property "field1" for value "string field" 0s

Then I want to check property "field2" to be true 0s

Then I want to check property "field3" for value 5 0s

Then I want to check property "field4" to have length 3 0s

Then I want to check property "field4[0].entry1" exists 0s

Then I want to check property "field4[0].no_exist" does not exist 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 91ms

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 196ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 33ms

Then I want to remove "id" from the input data 1ms

Then I want to remove "version" from the input data 1ms

Then I want to remove "candidateOnboardingOrigin" from the input data 0s

Then I want to remove "onboardingOrigin" from the input data 0s

Then I want to remove "onboardingMethod" from the input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "description" with value "updated" 0s

Then I want to update for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" with the input data from the context 22ms

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/processes" with the input data from the context 20ms

Then I want to copy to property "lastProcessId" from response data path "value" 0s

Then I want to delete for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/processes" with the value from saved property "lastProcessId" 15ms

When I want to set property "lastProcessId" to value "NotExisting" 0s

Then I want the following to fail 0s

When I want to delete for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/processes" with the value from saved property "lastProcessId" 28ms

When I want to set the input data to file "resources/json/createVLM.json" 1ms

Then I want to update the input property "vendorName" with a random value 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models" with the input data from the context 88ms

When I want to list Togglz 6ms

Then I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

Then I want to list Togglz 4ms

Then I want to set all Togglz to be "false" 5ms

Then I want to list Togglz 5ms

Given I want to create a VLM 107ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 39ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 211ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 27ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 783ms

Then I want to commit this Item 627ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 525ms

And I want to package this VSP 273ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 13ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 13ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

And I want to compare the content of the entry "Artifacts/CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" with file "resources/yaml/CB_BASE.yaml" 0s

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 143ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 43ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 218ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 52ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 635ms

Then I want to commit this Item 722ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 325ms

And I want to package this VSP 195ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 161ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 50ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 436ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 40ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 46ms

And I want to print the context data 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['first.env'][0].level" for value "ERROR" 1ms

Then I want to check property "errors['first.env'][0].message" for value "ERROR: [YML1]: Invalid YAML format Problem - [empty yaml]" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 96ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 37ms

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/uploads/" to context 16ms

Then I want to check property "parameters.vnf_name.description" for value "Unique name for this VF instance" 0s

When I want to create a VLM 84ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 7ms

When I want to submit this VLM 49ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 8ms

Then I want to create a new version for this Item 71ms

When I want to create a VLM 77ms

When I want to get path "/items/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/revisions" 5ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 0s

Then I want to update the input property "type" with value "Universal" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the input data from the context 24ms

Then I want to copy to property "lastProcessId" from response data path "value" 0s

Then I want to commit this Item 47ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/revisions" 6ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 2 0s

Then I want to copy to property "setRevision" from response data path "results[1].id" 1ms

When I want to revert this Item to the revision with the value from saved property "setRevision" 33ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/revisions" 6ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 2 0s

When I want to get path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" 12ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 0 0s

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 0s

Then I want to update the input property "type" with value "Universal" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the input data from the context 20ms

Then I want to copy to property "newLKG" from response data path "value" 0s

Then I want to delete for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the value from saved property "newLKG" 23ms

When I want to set property "NotExisting" to value "NotExisting" 0s

Then I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" 0s

Then I want to revert this Item to the revision with the value from saved property "NotExisting" 9ms

Then I want to revert this Item to the revision with the value from saved property "setRevision" 40ms

Given I want to create a VLM 91ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 76ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 264ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 10ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 30ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 714ms

Then I want to commit this Item 578ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 41ms

And I want to package this VSP 178ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 15ms

When I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to compare the content of the entry "Artifacts/CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" with file "resources/yaml/CB_BASE.yaml" 0s

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Artifacts/CB_BASE.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "parameters.vnf_name.description" for value "Unique name for this VF instance" 0s

When I want to load the json content of the entry "Artifacts/MANIFEST.json" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "description" for value "for testing" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 146ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 42ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 216ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 7ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 310ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 46ms

When I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" 21ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 0 0s

When I want to add a component 123ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" 24ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want the following to fail with error code "VSP_VFC_COUNT_EXCEED" 0s

When I want to add a component 33ms

Then I want to commit this Item 143ms

Then I want the following to fail 0s

When I want to submit this VSP 571ms

Given I want to create a VLM 92ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 40ms

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 233ms

When I want to get the questionnaire for this item 11ms

When I want to add a component 62ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/components" 18ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to get the questionnaire for this item 12ms

And I want to update this questionnaire with value "15" for property "general/storageDataReplication/storageReplicationSize" 0s

And I want to update this questionnaire 18ms

When I want to get the questionnaire for this item 13ms

Then I want to check this questionnaire has value "15" for property "general/storageDataReplication/storageReplicationSize" 0s

When I want to get interface lifecycle types 41ms

Then I want to check property "tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.standard" exists 0s

Then I want to check property "tosca.interfaces.nfv.vnf.lifecycle.nfv" exists 0s

Given I want to create a VF 1s 113ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 606ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 627ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 605ms

When I want to list Operations 15ms

When I want to get an Operation by Id 1s 56ms

When I want to update an Operation 1s 673ms

When I want to delete an Operation 1s 591ms

When I want to checkin this component 1s 644ms

Then I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN" 0s

Then I want to certify this component 1s 794ms

And I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "CERTIFIED" 0s

Given I want to create a VF 1s 146ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 600ms

And I want to create an Operation 1s 615ms

And I want to create an Operation 1s 585ms

When I want to list Operations 39ms

When I want to checkin this component 1s 599ms

Then I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN" 0s

Then I want to certify this component 1s 738ms

And I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "CERTIFIED" 0s

Given I want to create a VF 1s 129ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 574ms

When I want to get an Operation by Id 1s 35ms

When I want to update an Operation 1s 621ms

When I want to checkin this component 1s 684ms

Then I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN" 0s

Then I want to certify this component 1s 798ms

And I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "CERTIFIED" 0s

Given I want to create a VF 1s 140ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 666ms

When I want to get an Operation by Id 1s 48ms

When I want to delete an Operation 1s 594ms

When I want to checkin this component 1s 648ms

Then I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN" 0s

Then I want to certify this component 1s 809ms

And I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "CERTIFIED" 0s

Given I want to create a Service 1s 109ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 616ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 589ms

When I want to create an Operation 1s 621ms

When I want to list Operations 15ms

When I want to get an Operation by Id 1s 64ms

When I want to update an Operation 1s 648ms

When I want to delete an Operation 1s 580ms

When I want to checkin this component 1s 663ms

Then I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "NOT_CERTIFIED_CHECKIN" 0s

Then I want to submit this component 8ms + Show Error
Error: Status Code was 400
    at Function.(anonymous) (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/cucumber/lib/user_code_runner.js:107:21)
    at Generator.throw ((anonymous))
    at Generator.tryCatcher (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
    at PromiseSpawn._promiseRejected (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/generators.js:107:10)
    at Promise._settlePromise (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:611:26)
    at Promise._settlePromise0 (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:649:10)
    at Promise._settlePromises (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:725:18)
    at _drainQueueStep (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:93:12)
    at _drainQueue (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:86:9)
    at Async._drainQueues (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:102:5)
    at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (/Users/eb7504/Git_Work/sdc/cucumber-js-test-apis-ci/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:15:14)
    at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:445:21)

And I want to check property "lifecycleState" for value "READY_FOR_CERTIFICATION" 0s

When I want to create a VLM 105ms

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 1ms

Then I want to update the input property "type" with value "Universal" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the input data from the context 19ms

Then I want to commit this Item 39ms

Then I want to archive this item 19ms

Then I want to list Archived VLMs 57ms

Then I want to check that item exits in response 0s

When I want to create a VLM 93ms

Then I want to create input data 1ms

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 0s

Then I want to update the input property "type" with value "Universal" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the input data from the context 18ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 53ms

Then I want to archive this item 13ms

Then I want to list Archived VLMs 58ms

Then I want to check that item exits in response 0s

Then I want the following to fail with error message "Archive item failed, item {} is already Archived" 0s

Then I want to archive this item 7ms

When I want to create a VLM 135ms

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 0s

Then I want to update the input property "type" with value "Universal" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the input data from the context 59ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 70ms

Then I want to archive this item 10ms

Then I want to list Archived VLMs 48ms

Then I want to check that item exits in response 0s

Then I want to list Active VLMs 38ms

Then I want to check that item does not exits in response 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 95ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 61ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 220ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 35ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 789ms

Then I want to commit this Item 578ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 8ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

Then I want to archive this item 13ms

Then I want to list Archived VSPs 45ms

Then I want to check that item exits in response 0s

Then I want to list Active VSPs 41ms

Then I want to check that item does not exits in response 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 93ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 48ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 269ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 25ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 694ms

Then I want to commit this Item 617ms

Then I want to archive this item 20ms

Then I want to list Archived VSPs 57ms

Then I want to check that item exits in response 0s

Then I want to list Active VSPs 39ms

Then I want to check that item does not exits in response 0s

Then I want the following to fail with error message "Archive item failed, item {} is already Archived" 0s

Then I want to archive this item 5ms

Given I want to create a VLM 117ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 118ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 283ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 10ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 30ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 803ms

Then I want to commit this Item 961ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 7ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 1ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 7ms

When I want to submit this VSP 1s 41ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 8ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 8ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to archive this item 11ms

Then I want to list Archived VSPs 46ms

Then I want to check that item exits in response 0s

Then I want to list Active VSPs 32ms

Then I want to check that item does not exits in response 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 96ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 44ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 244ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 7ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 34ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 795ms

Then I want to commit this Item 580ms

Then I want to submit this VSP 1s 27ms

Then I want to package this VSP 173ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 10ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to list Active VSPs packages 50ms

Then I want to check that VSP package exits in response 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 78ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 37ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 229ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 6ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 28ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 679ms

Then I want to commit this Item 548ms

Then I want to submit this VSP 1s 132ms

Then I want to package this VSP 194ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 10ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to archive this item 12ms

Then I want to list Archived VSPs packages 67ms

Then I want to check that VSP package exits in response 0s

When I want to create a VLM 113ms

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 0s

Then I want to update the input property "type" with value "Universal" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the input data from the context 22ms

Then I want to copy to property "lastProcessId" from response data path "value" 0s

Then I want to commit this Item 39ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 8ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 16ms

When I want to submit this VLM 55ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 8ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 8ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want the following to fail with error message "VLM has been certified and cannot be deleted." 1ms

Then I want to delete this VLM 5ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 8ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 1ms

When I want to create a VLM 113ms

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with a random value 0s

Then I want to update the input property "type" with value "Universal" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-key-groups" with the input data from the context 21ms

Then I want to copy to property "lastProcessId" from response data path "value" 0s

Then I want to commit this Item 39ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 7ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 7ms

Then I want to delete this VLM 25ms

Then I want the following to fail with error code "ENTITY_NOT_FOUND" 0s

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 5ms

Given I want to create a VLM 107ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 44ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 296ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 6ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 27ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 877ms

Then I want to commit this Item 825ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 8ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 1ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

When I want to submit this VSP 1s 151ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 11ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 8ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want the following to fail with error message "VSP has been certified and cannot be deleted." 0s

Then I want to delete this VSP 7ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 10ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 1ms

Given I want to create a VLM 101ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 48ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 268ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 9ms

When I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 33ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 802ms

Then I want to commit this Item 730ms

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 9ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

Then I want to delete this VSP 117ms

Then I want the following to fail with error code "ENTITY_NOT_FOUND" 0s

Then I want to get path "/items/{}/versions" 5ms

Given I want to set the user to "cs0008" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 107ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 105ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 1ms

And I want to submit this VLM 55ms

Given I want to set the user to "mb1001" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 142ms

Then I want to copy to property "draftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 111ms

Then I want to copy to property "certifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 53ms

Given I want to create a VLM 116ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to archive this item 10ms

Given I want to create a VLM 107ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 52ms

And I want to archive this item 10ms

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 319ms

Then I want to copy to property "npDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 311ms

Then I want to copy to property "manualDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ACTIVE&versionStatus=Draft&permission=Owner,Contributor" 32ms

Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" exists 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" exists 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" exists 0s

But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist 1ms

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" does not exist 0s

Given I want to set the user to "cs0008" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 95ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 127ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 50ms

Given I want to set the user to "mb1001" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 98ms

Then I want to copy to property "draftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 110ms

Then I want to copy to property "certifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 46ms

Given I want to create a VLM 99ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to archive this item 13ms

Given I want to create a VLM 109ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 37ms

And I want to archive this item 8ms

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 227ms

Then I want to copy to property "npDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 216ms

Then I want to copy to property "manualDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ACTIVE&versionStatus=Certified" 31ms

Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" exists 1ms

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" exists 1ms

But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" does not exist 1ms

Given I want to set the user to "cs0008" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 102ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 101ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 49ms

Given I want to set the user to "mb1001" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 103ms

Then I want to copy to property "draftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 110ms

Then I want to copy to property "certifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 49ms

Given I want to create a VLM 97ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to archive this item 12ms

Given I want to create a VLM 116ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 51ms

And I want to archive this item 12ms

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 264ms

Then I want to copy to property "npDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 280ms

Then I want to copy to property "manualDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 1ms

When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ARCHIVED&versionStatus=Certified" 34ms

Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" exists 0s

But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" does not exist 1ms

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist 0s

Given I want to set the user to "cs0008" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 103ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 88ms

Then I want to copy to property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 41ms

Given I want to set the user to "mb1001" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 73ms

Then I want to copy to property "draftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 101ms

Then I want to copy to property "certifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 42ms

Given I want to create a VLM 91ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedDraftVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 1ms

And I want to archive this item 12ms

Given I want to create a VLM 119ms

Then I want to copy to property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

And I want to submit this VLM 45ms

And I want to archive this item 9ms

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 265ms

Then I want to copy to property "npDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 1ms

Given I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "Manual" 233ms

Then I want to copy to property "manualDraftVspId" from response data path "itemId" 0s

When I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=ACTIVE&versionStatus=Draft&onboardingMethod=Manual&permission=Owner" 42ms

Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "draftVlmId" exists 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "manualDraftVspId" exists 0s

But I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "npDraftVspId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionDraftVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "noPermissionCertifiedVlmId" does not exist 1ms

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "certifiedVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedDraftVlmId" does not exist 0s

And I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "archivedCertifiedVlmId" does not exist 0s

When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" 0s

Then I want to get path "/items?itemType=bsp" 5ms

When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" 0s

Then I want to get path "/items?permission=Contributer" 4ms

When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" 0s

Then I want to get path "/items?versionStatus=Draftt" 4ms

When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" 0s

Then I want to get path "/items?itemStatus=active" 5ms

When I want the following to fail with error code "GENERAL_ERROR_REST_ID" 0s

Then I want to get path "/items?onboardingMethod=heat" 5ms

Then I want to print the context data 0s

When I want to get path "/unique-types" 3ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 2 0s

And I want to check property "results[1]" for value "VspName" 0s

And I want to check property "results[0]" for value "VlmName" 0s

Given I want the following to fail with error code "UNIQUE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND" 0s

When I want to get path "/unique-types/nonExistingType/values/someValue" 4ms

When I want to get path "/unique-types/VlmName/values/nonExistingName" 5ms

Then I want to check property "occupied" to be false 0s

When I want to get path "/unique-types/VspName/values/nonExistingName" 6ms

Then I want to check property "occupied" to be false 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 116ms

When I want to get path "/unique-types/VlmName/values/{}" 5ms

Then I want to check property "occupied" to be true 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 89ms

And I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 238ms

And I want to get path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{item.versionId}" 34ms

When I want to get path "/unique-types/VspName/values/{}" 6ms

Then I want to check property "occupied" to be true 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 99ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 43ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 240ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 31ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 549ms

Then I want to commit this Item 555ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 72ms

And I want to package this VSP 1s 126ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

And I want to compare the content of the entry "Definitions/Nested_FSB1ServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" with file "resources/yaml/Nested_FSB1ServiceTemplate.yaml" 0s

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 84ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 48ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 288ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 69ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 880ms

Then I want to commit this Item 707ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 58ms

And I want to package this VSP 195ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 98ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 45ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 261ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 28ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 919ms

Then I want to commit this Item 650ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 206ms

And I want to package this VSP 224ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 9ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.pcm_flavor_name.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 2 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "main-heat2" 0s

Then I want to check property "[1]" for value "main-heat1" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "pcm_flavor_name" 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.sm_server_names.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 1 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "main-heat1" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "sm_server_names" 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.dummy_net_netmask_1.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 1 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "main-heat2" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "dummy_net_netmask_1" 0s

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 81ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 40ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 228ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 39ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 881ms

Then I want to commit this Item 861ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 406ms

And I want to package this VSP 244ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.pcrf_oam_vol_size.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 1 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "hot-nimbus-oam_v1.0" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "pcrf_oam_vol_size" 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.pcrf_pcm_vol_size.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 1 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "hot-nimbus-pcm_v1.0" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "pcrf_pcm_vol_size" 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.pcm-volumes_and_pcm_main_param.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 1 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "hot-nimbus-pcm_v1.0" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "pcm-volumes_and_pcm_main_param" 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.oam-volumes_pcm_main_param.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 2 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "hot-nimbus-pcm_v1.0" 0s

Then I want to check property "[1]" for value "hot-nimbus-oam_v1.0" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "oam-volumes_pcm_main_param" 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.oam-volumes_pcm-volumes_and_oam_main_param.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 2 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "hot-nimbus-pcm_v1.0" 0s

Then I want to check property "[1]" for value "hot-nimbus-oam_v1.0" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "oam-volumes_pcm-volumes_and_oam_main_param" 0s

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 91ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 46ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 273ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 29ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 600ms

Then I want to commit this Item 719ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 209ms

And I want to package this VSP 203ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 12ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/nestedServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.CMAUI_volume_type.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 131ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 45ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 6ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 277ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 33ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 984ms

Then I want to commit this Item 819ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 309ms

And I want to package this VSP 232ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.OS::stack_name" exists 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.OS::stack_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/nested-pcm_v0.1ServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.port_pcm_port_0_network_role.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.availabilityzone_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.pcm_server_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.sm_server_names.annotations" does not exist 0s

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/nested-pcm_v0.2ServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.port_pcm_port_13_mac_requirements.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.availabilityzone_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.pcm_server_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/Nested_computeServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.compute_compute_user_data_format.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.vm_image_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.compute_compute_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

when volume heat is associated to main HEAT

Given I want to create a VLM 100ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 58ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 325ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 49ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 1s 438ms

Then I want to commit this Item 1s 63ms

And I want to submit this VSP 2s 106ms

And I want to package this VSP 1s

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 12ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/ocgmgr_nested_volumeServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.volume_type.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.vnf_name.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.index.annotations" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.size.annotations" does not exist 0s

When I want to load the yaml content of the entry "Definitions/MainServiceTemplate.yaml" in the zip "resources/downloads/" to context 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.index" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.size" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.volume_type" does not exist 0s

Then I want to check property "topology_template.inputs.vnf_name.annotations.source.type" for value "org.openecomp.annotations.Source" 0s

Then I want to check property "" for value "HEAT" 0s

Then I want to check property "" to have length 6 0s

Then I want to check property "[0]" for value "ocgapp_03" 0s

Then I want to check property "[1]" for value "ocgapp_02" 0s

Then I want to check property "[2]" for value "ocgmgr" 0s

Then I want to check property "[3]" for value "ocgapp_01" 0s

Then I want to check property "[4]" for value "ocgapp_04" 0s

Then I want to check property "[5]" for value "base_ocg" 0s

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 117ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 313ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 31ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 40ms

And I want to print the context data 1ms

Then I want to check property "errors['first.env'][0].level" for value "ERROR" 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['first.env'][0].message" for value "ERROR: [YML1]: Invalid YAML format Problem - [empty yaml]" 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 95ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 243ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 31ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 780ms

And I want to print the context data 28ms

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][0].level" does not exist 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 108ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 299ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 37ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 71ms

And I want to print the context data 10ms

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][3].level" for value "WARNING" 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][3].message" for value: 1ms
WARNING: [VlANG1]: VLAN Resource will not be translated as the VLAN Sub-interface [template_Vlan_2] is not modeled as resource group

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][1].level" for value "ERROR" 1ms

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][1].message" for value: 0s
ERROR: [VlANG2]: There should not be any Compute Server Node, Port, Parent Port in nested file [nested.yml]

Then I want to check property "errors['main.yml'][6].level" for value "WARNING" 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['main.yml'][6].message" for value: 0s
WARNING: [VlANG3]: Network role associated with VLAN Sub-interface id[test_Vlan1] is not following the naming convention

Given I want to create a VLM 101ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 6ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 248ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 31ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 55ms

And I want to print the context data 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][0].level" for value "WARNING" 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][0].message" for value: 0s
WARNING: [VLAN2]: Parent port property virtual_machine_interface_refs is missing in VLAN Resource ID [template_Vlan_2]

Given I want to create a VLM 96ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 8ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 264ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 30ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 55ms

And I want to print the context data 19ms

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][0].level" for value "WARNING" 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][0].message" for value: 0s
WARNING: [VLAN2]: VLAN Tag property virtual_machine_interface_properties_sub_interface_vlan_tag is missing in VLAN Resource ID [template_Vlan_2]

Given I want to create a VLM 100ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 9ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 271ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/" 31ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 56ms

And I want to print the context data 18ms

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][0].level" for value "ERROR" 0s

Then I want to check property "errors['nested.yml'][0].message" for value: 0s
ERROR: [VLAN1]: More than one parent port found, there should be only one parent port for a VLAN sub-interface ID [template_Vlan_2]

port and one subinterface connected to that port. Both port and subinterface are connected to
different internal networks.

Given I want to create a VLM 102ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 47ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 332ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1a/" 28ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 742ms

Then I want to commit this Item 585ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 294ms

And I want to package this VSP 213ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 11ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 14ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

port and one regular nested resource subinterface connected to that port. Only port is connected
to an internal network.

Given I want to create a VLM 128ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 75ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 241ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1a/" 34ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 663ms

Then I want to commit this Item 545ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 37ms

And I want to package this VSP 196ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

port and multiple subinterface resource groups which are not bound to parent port. Only port is
connected to an internal network.

Given I want to create a VLM 184ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 164ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 277ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1a/" 33ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 730ms

Then I want to commit this Item 713ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 174ms

And I want to package this VSP 191ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 12ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 99ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 43ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 329ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1b/" 28ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 903ms

Then I want to commit this Item 816ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 185ms

And I want to package this VSP 197ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 9ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 12ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 118ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 46ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 11ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 276ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1b/" 110ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 923ms

Then I want to commit this Item 824ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 176ms

And I want to package this VSP 216ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 9ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 120ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 52ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 295ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1b/" 35ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 896ms

Then I want to commit this Item 762ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 432ms

And I want to package this VSP 224ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 9ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 8ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 110ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 52ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 321ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1b/" 34ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 1s 138ms

Then I want to commit this Item 611ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 283ms

And I want to package this VSP 206ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 9ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

each and four subinterface resource groups of two types each and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 157ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 55ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 319ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1c1/" 32ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 983ms

Then I want to commit this Item 578ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 439ms

And I want to package this VSP 373ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

connected to network and two subinterface resource represented through a regular nested resource and not using a
resource group not connected to network and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 102ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 47ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 287ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1c1/" 27ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 852ms

Then I want to commit this Item 729ms

And I want to submit this VSP 990ms

And I want to package this VSP 217ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 8ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 12ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

each one has one port with one sub interface (same type) resource group have a different count and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 107ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 52ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 272ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1c2/" 45ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 873ms

Then I want to commit this Item 719ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 80ms

And I want to package this VSP 223ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 8ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 8ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

each one has one port with one sub interface each (same type, different network connectivity) and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 114ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 49ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 297ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern1c2/" 30ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 724ms

Then I want to commit this Item 618ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 187ms

And I want to package this VSP 208ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 9ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

port represented through a nested resource having one subinterface nested resource and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 103ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 46ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 290ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern4/" 30ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 741ms

Then I want to commit this Item 613ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 85ms

And I want to package this VSP 187ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

ports represented through a nested resource both port connected to different nested subinterface
resource and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 96ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 42ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 397ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern4/" 35ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 748ms

Then I want to commit this Item 658ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 191ms

And I want to package this VSP 226ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 9ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 18ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

port represented through a regular nested resource and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 119ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 43ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 297ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern4/" 34ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 721ms

Then I want to commit this Item 649ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 253ms

And I want to package this VSP 212ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 13ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

component which is having two VFCs of different type both connected with two port and one port
is connected with sub interface resource and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 110ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 49ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 288ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern5/" 36ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 1s 29ms

Then I want to commit this Item 736ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 224ms

And I want to package this VSP 238ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 10ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 12ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

subinterface connectivity scenario and Create VF

Given I want to create a VLM 102ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 42ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 274ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/pattern5/" 35ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 1s 52ms

Then I want to commit this Item 676ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 542ms

And I want to package this VSP 281ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 12ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 110ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 47ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 272ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/vfcinstancegroup/" 52ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 857ms

Then I want to commit this Item 664ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 157ms

And I want to package this VSP 183ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 7ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 89ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 34ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 249ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/vfcinstancegroup/" 28ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 774ms

Then I want to commit this Item 515ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 214ms

And I want to package this VSP 236ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 8ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 11ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 109ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 44ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 4ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 210ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/vfcinstancegroup/" 36ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 1s 113ms

Then I want to commit this Item 674ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 190ms

And I want to package this VSP 210ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 7ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 9ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 100ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 53ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 3ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 290ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/vfcinstancegroup/" 29ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 830ms

Then I want to commit this Item 556ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 345ms

And I want to package this VSP 300ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 8ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

Given I want to create a VLM 98ms

Then I want to submit this VLM 50ms

Given I want to set all Togglz to be "true" 5ms

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type "NetworkPackage" 263ms

Then I want to upload a NetworkPackage for this VSP from path "resources/uploads/vlantagging/vfcinstancegroup/" 32ms

And I want to process the NetworkPackage file for this VSP 653ms

Then I want to commit this Item 542ms

And I want to submit this VSP 1s 41ms

And I want to package this VSP 176ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Certified" 9ms

Then I want to get the package for this Item to path "resources/downloads/" 10ms + Show Error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'resources/downloads/'

Then I want to create a VF for this Item 0s

When I want to create a VLM 88ms

Then I want to copy to property "licensingVersion" from response data path "" 0s

When I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "FG1" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "partNumber" with value "999" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/feature-groups" with the input data from the context 18ms

Then I want to copy to property "featureGroupId" from response data path "value" 0s

When I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "LA" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "licenseTerm.choice" with value "Unlimited" 1ms

Then I want to update the input property "addedFeatureGroupsIds[0]" from property "featureGroupId" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/license-agreements" with the input data from the context 23ms

Then I want to copy to property "licenseAgreement" from response data path "value" 0s

When I want to create a VSP with onboarding type Manual 257ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

When I want to add a component 113ms

When I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "fileName" with value "Image_1" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{vsp.versionId}/components/{componentId}/images" with the input data from the context 32ms

Then I want to get the questionnaire for this path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{vsp.versionId}/components/{componentId}/images/{}/questionnaire" 11ms

And I want to update this questionnaire with value "md5" for property "5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555" 0s

And I want to update this questionnaire with value "version" for property "1" 0s

And I want to update this questionnaire 36ms

When I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "ComputeFlavor1" 0s

When I want to create for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{vsp.versionId}/components/{componentId}/compute-flavors" with the input data from the context 30ms

Then I want to copy to property "computeFlavorId" from response data path "id" 0s

When I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "model" with value "DeploymentFlavorModel" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "componentComputeAssociations[0].componentId" from property "componentId" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "componentComputeAssociations[0].computeFlavorId" from property "computeFlavorId" 2ms

Then I want to update the input property "featureGroupId" from property "featureGroupId" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-software-products/{}/versions/{vsp.versionId}/deployment-flavors" with the input data from the context 40ms

Then I want the following to fail 0s

When I want to submit this VSP 588ms

Then I want to create a VLM 116ms

Then I want to make sure this Item has status "Draft" 8ms

When I want to get path "/items/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/revisions" 6ms

Then I want to check property "listCount" for value 1 0s

Then I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "FG_01" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "description" with value "FG without MRN" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "partNumber" with value "999" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/feature-groups" with the input data from the context 19ms

When I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "EP_01" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "description" with value "EP without MRN" 0s

Then I want the following to fail 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/entitlement-pools" with the input data from the context 6ms

When I want to create input data 0s

Then I want to update the input property "name" with value "EP_02" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "description" with value "EP with MRN" 0s

Then I want to update the input property "manufacturerReferenceNumber" with value "12345" 0s

Then I want to create for path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/entitlement-pools" with the input data from the context 23ms

Then I want to get path "/vendor-license-models/{}/versions/{item.versionId}/entitlement-pools/{responseData.value}" 8ms

Then I want to check property "manufacturerReferenceNumber" for value "12345" 0s