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  1. Active and Available Inventory
  2. AAI-3273

Log level improvement for AAI component


      I am a engineer at the French company Sopra Steria where we work on ONAP for our client Orange (Sylvain Desbureaux and Eric Debeau).

      In our work, we have noticed that some caught exceptions are not logged or are logged as "debug".

      This makes it a bit problematic for us, as some errors might not be shown in production (debug mode is too verbose).

      We did a review of all logging methods that are inside catch blocks and we believe some of them can get their level changed. For instance, we have found logging levels that differ between two files, whereas they consist on the same exception and message.

      Additionally, we have few questions regarding the ErrorLogHelper method that does not seem to have any severity anymore therefore by passing the SLF4J logging.

      Does this method really log messages ? 

      It would be a pleasure to chat with you to discuss this more in-depth and figure out if our suggestions can be a useful contribution to the project.

      Kindly, Othman

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