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  1. Active and Available Inventory
  2. AAI-510

Multiple Edges Between the Same node-types


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Beijing Release
    • None
    • None

      As an ONAP user, I want A&AI to enrich its edges such that multiple edges can exist between the same 2 nodes, so that more detailed topology information can by expressed by the A&AI graph.
      Examples could be:
      A vnf has a vserver
      A vnf has an OAM vserver (a more specific type of relationship)
      A l-interface links to a logical-link
      A l-interface is the source for the logical-link or the destination for the logical-link
      2 ideas for approaching this:
      Multple edges with different labels between the same "from" and "to" nodes
      The same edge label but with different property values
      As a result of this, the relationship-list structure will have to be updated to allow the client to distinguish between these edges. Either the label or other properties need to be exposed. Clients PUTing relationships need a way to specify which edge they are creating, either via the label or the properties.

            rx2202 rx2202
            jimmydot jimmydot
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