Uploaded image for project: 'Common Controller SDK'
  1. Common Controller SDK
  2. CCSDK-2398

BP-proc and PY-exec file system UIDs are not consistent.


      BP-proc shares a volume with cmd/py-executor

      During docker container creation, it seems the UID/GID for "onap" user are different values across bp-proc and py-exec.

      blueprints processor uses omahoco1/alpine-java-python

      From Dockerfile:

      RUN addgroup -S onap && adduser -S onap -G onap 

      command executor:  python:3.6-slim

      From Dockerfile:

      RUN groupadd -r onap && useradd -r -g onap onap 

      py-executor:  python:3.7-slim

      From Dockerfile:

       RUN groupadd -r onap && useradd -r -g onap onap



      I think we should manually specify the UID/GID so that they will be consistent as there seems to be a difference across images.

      # alpine
      RUN addgroup -g 1000 docker && \
          adduser -u 1000 -G docker -h /home/docker -s /bin/sh -D docker
      # debian / ubuntu
      RUN addgroup --gid 1000 docker && \
          adduser --uid 1000 --ingroup docker --home /home/docker --shell /bin/sh --disabled-password --gecos "" docker

      Previously, I also wonder if it was working as the /opt/app/onap was 777'ed

            jozsef jozsef
            omimtl omimtl
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