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  1. Common Controller SDK
  2. CCSDK-3239

Created k8s profile has no kubernetes-version specified


      When CDS creates k8s profile with k8s-profile-upload component the created k8s profile lacks the attribute "kubernetes-version" that allows specifying the version of the cluster that CNF will be deployed on. The parameter is used to perform templating of helm package for the dedicated k8s cluster.

      When template contains i.e. apiVersion: {{ include "common.capabilities.deployment.apiVersion" . }} statetement k8splugin will generate capability for wrong k8s version what may result with the following error

      "Mapping kind to resource error: no matches for kind \"Deployment\" in version \"extensions/v1beta1\""

      where apiVersion was sourced from the capability for the wrong k8s cluster version. It results with failed CBF creation and the only workaround is to create a profile without CDS capability.

      We need to fix it by possibility to create k8s profile for dedicated k8s cluster version

            rajewluk Lukasz Rajewski
            rajewluk Lukasz Rajewski
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