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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-1172

Spike: Automated Registration Performance Test (excluding Module Sync)


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: High High
    • London Release
    • None
    • NCMP

      1. Agree registration performance KPI
        1. Size of request (e.g. 100 cm handles, total size <10Kb)
        2. Concurrent requests for registration (e.g. 4)
        3. Request frequency (e.g. 4 concurrent request each 5 seconds)
        4. Response time of each request (e.g. <4sec)
        5. Single CPS instance
        6. No other workload (module sync 'delayed')
        7. Default resources as defined in our helm charts
      2. Agree test environment (talk with afenner)
        1. CI Job ?
      3. Agree technology used to test
        1. Groovy/Spock
        2. CSIT
        3. Python
        4. K6 (not recommended)
        5. Other script using curl?
      4. Additional requirements to be able to run test
        1. 'dummy' DMI PLugin for testing ? (possibly not needed yet for this testcase)


      1. Document proposal on Wiki and share with team and stakeholder
      2. Agree with team and stakeholders on options proposed in Spike


            josephkeenan josephkeenan
            sourabh_sourabh Sourabh Sourabh
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
