Uploaded image for project: 'Configuration Persistence Service'
  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-1301

No Prefix for containers in different modules


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Oslo Release
    • London Release
    • None
    • None

      Data we write to CPS:
      "parent-inventory:topos": {
      "topo": [{
      "topo-id": "",
      "child1-inventory:directions": {
      "direction": [

      { "id": "" }

      "child2-inventory:vendors": {
      "vendor": [

      { "vendorName": "" }


      Data when we read it back:
      "parent-inventory:topos": {
      "topo": [{
      "topo-id": "",
      "directions": {
      "direction": [

      { "id": "" }

      "vendors": {
      "vendor": [

      { "vendorName": "" }


      Prefixes for the inner containers are missing when we read the data. We expect the data to be same as we posted it.

      APIs Used:

      $ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE=" --request POST http://localhost:8883/cps/api/v1/dataspaces?dataspace-name='E2EDEMO'

      $ curl -H "Authorization: Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE=" --request POST 'http://localhost:8883/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/E2EDEMO/schema-sets' --form 'file=@"ran-network.zip"' --form 'schema-set-name="ran-network"'

      $ curl -H "Authorization: Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE=" --request POST 'http://localhost:8883/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/E2EDEMO/anchors?schema-set-name='ran-network'&anchor-name='11''

      $ curl -H "Authorization: Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE=" --request POST 'http://localhost:8883/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/E2EDEMO/anchors/11/nodes' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
      "ran-network:ran-network": {
      "NearRTRIC:NearRTRIC": [{
      "idNearRTRIC": 22,

      { "near-rt-ric-url": "", "trackingArea": "Kingston" }

      "GNBDUFunction:GNBDUFunction": [{
      "idGNBDUFunction": "440",

      { "gNBDUFunction-url": "", "gNBIdLength": 23, "gNBDUName": "gnbdu1", "gNBDUId": 440 }

      "NRCellDU": [{
      "idNRCellDU": "11561",
      "attributes": {
      "nRCellDU-url": "",
      "cellLocalId": 11561,
      "nRPCI": 11,
      "nRTAC": 14777,
      "arfcnDL": 1,
      "arfcnUL": 2,
      "arfcnSUL": 3,
      "bSChannelBwDL": 4,
      "bSChannelBwUL": 5,
      "bSChannelBwSUL": 6,
      "ssbFrequency": 7,
      "ssbSubCarrierSpacing": 15,
      "ssbOffset": 9,
      "ssbDuration": 4,
      "nRSectorCarrierRef": [
      "userLabel": "user",
      "sAP": [

      { "host": "localhost", "port": 8080 }

      "GNBCUUPFunction": [{
      "idGNBCUUPFunction": "2222",

      { "gNBCUUPFunction-url": "", "gNBId": 22, "gNBCUUPId": 2222 }

      "GNBCUCPFunction": [{
      "idGNBCUCPFunction": "cucpserver2",
      "attributes": {
      "gNBCUCPFunction-url": "",
      "gNBId": 32,
      "gNBIdLength": 23,
      "gNBCUName": "cucpserver2",
      "userLabel": "user",
      "sAP": [

      { "host": "localhost", "port": 8080 }

      "NRCellCU": [{
      "idNRCellCU": "11561",
      "attributes": {
      "nRCellCU-url": "",
      "cellLocalId": 11561,
      "sAP": [

      { "host": "localhost", "port": 8080 }

      }' -i

      $ curl -H "Authorization: Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE=" --request 'GET' 'http://localhost:8883/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/E2EDEMO/anchors/11/node?xpath=%2fran-network&include-descendants=true' -H 'accept: application/json' -i








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