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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-1303

Install CPS on Kubernetes VM using OOM Helm charts


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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      This task needs to be executed by all CPS Team developers (in pairs). to learn (and possibly document) how to 

      1. Get access and use Team VM server (Xerces) using an OpenVPN client
        1. Login to  https://selfservice-dev.est.tech/login to create a 'booking' for OpenVPN
          (will get email with OpenVPN config file you can use in your client)
        2. Request Andrew Fenner and/or Robert Tomczyk for a new account on 'our' VM' (
        3. Login in super user using: sudo su -
      2. Uninstall ONAP
      3. Install 'minimal' CPS-Stack using help override-file (see example here). Incl
        1. SDNC
        2. DMI-PLugin
        3. NCMP
        4. CPS-Core
        5. Postgres
        6. Strimzi/Kafka (DMaaP?)
        7. ? Other dependencies required such as for Certificate and Role management  ? (TBC)
      4. Add NetConf-PNP simulator (use an additional helmchart to deploy it as a pod use using: helm create )
        See also in CPS project: csit/plans/cps/pnfsim
      5. Demo 1: CPS/NCMP functions
        1. Mount Node (Contact JosephKeenan for details and record in new guidelines)
        2. Register Node   (create postman collection(s) and add to guidelines)
        3. Show it is synced (using URL) 
        4. Show notifications (kafka consumer, contact lukegleeson  for details) 
        5. Read data (using URL) 
        6. Read container logs (using Kubernetes commands: "Kubectl logs") 
      6. Demo 2:  Change config param 
        1. change values.yaml (e.g. Watchdog timer setting)
        2. use "upgrade deployment" command to restart the pod with the new value
      7. Demo 3: 'Upgrade' to un-released for of CPS
        1. Build new image locally i.e. on your laptop
        2. Transfer file from Laptop to VM filesystem
        3. Change helm chart to use 'latest'
        4. Ensure pullPolicy (in helm chart) is set to 'ifNotPresent'
        5. use "upgrade deployment" command to restart the pod with new Image


      1. Each pair of developers to execute 3 Demos (details above)
        1. each user should have account on our VM
      2. Guidelines document and agreed by team (maybe 2nd pair)
        (replace https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/CPS+Setup+Using+Minikube ?)
      3. Add the CPS Override-file in an OOM kubernetes/cps/resources (new!) folder
      4. Run Demos by 1 or 2 other team members


            Unassigned Unassigned
            ToineSiebelink Toine Siebelink
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