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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-1604

DataNode with [ in leaf value cannot be queried


      If the bookstore JSON is modified to include a book with a square bracket in the title (which is the key in the model), that book cannot be queried. Here is such sample book:

      "books" : [
          "title": "Catching Fire: The Hunger Games [Book 2]",
          "lang": "English",
          "authors": ["Suzanne Collins"],
          "pub_year": 2009,
          "price": 29

      Investigation shows that this data is being written to the database with xpath: 

      /bookstore/categories[@code='5']/books[@title='Catching Fire: The Hunger Games [Book 2]']

      A query such as '//books' will not include this result, nor other queries such as '//books[@title="Catching Fire: The Hunger Games [Book 2]"]'

      Note the problem seems to also occur if a non-key attribute contains square brackets:

      '//books/authors[text()="Joe Bloggs [translator]"]'

      This needs further testing to confirm.

      Proposed Solution

      When data nodes are being parsed, square brackets could be escaped e.g. /bookstore

      /categories[@code='5']/books[@title='Catching Fire: The Hunger Games \[Book 2\]']

      The query regex would require modification to support this.

            danielhanrahan Daniel Hanrahan
            danielhanrahan Daniel Hanrahan
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