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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-1918

Upgrade ODL Yang Tools to version built with Java 17


      CPS is currently using an old version of the OpenDaylight Yang Tools. This task is update the dependency to a newer version.


      We are currently using 8.0.10, and should upgrade to at least the latest 8.X.Y release, or possibly uplift to a higher major release (some investigation required).

      Related to CPS-1866, some users were experiencing ClassDefNotFoundException from the ODL Yang Parser. The issue was caused by ODL using SPI (Java Service Provider Interface) not being able to locate the implementation (provider) classes. The bug was fixed by avoiding the using of SPI by manually instantiating the implementation classes.

      This task to address the root cause, which is believed to be that the version of the Yang Tools dependency being built with older version of the JDK (CPS currently using Java 17). This task is to upgrade the the Yang Tools dependency to a version built using Java 17. The root cause was identified as a class-loader issue related to Spring Boot packaged JAR, and changes to JDK 17 that result in incorrect class loaders being used.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            danielhanrahan Daniel Hanrahan
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