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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-2251

Delete Cm Subscription Use Case (Positive Scenarios)


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Oslo Release
    • None
    • DMI, NCMP

      CmSubscription Delete : https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=177079422


      1. Cm Data Subscription DELETE in PENDING status
      2. Delete a subscription shared with other subscribers​
      3. Delete a subscription (datastore AND cmhandle AND xpath) when it is the last subscriber for the subscription

      Summary : 

      1.  The incoming Cm Subscription event to have predicates section as OPTIONAL.
      2. Only make a call to the DMI Plugin when its the last subscriber (datastore AND cmhandle AND xpath) we are trying to delete
        • Eg : create sub-A on xpaths : x , y and z. create sub-B on xpaths q and y. When we DELETE sub-A , call to DMI is made to delete paths x and z.*
      3. Directly ACCEPT the DELETE request when we have other subscribers for ALL the xpaths that NCMP is tracking.


      • When Delete request comes in ("subscriptionDeleteRequest"), predicates are completely ignored since they are 'OPTIONAL'.
      • No call made to the DMI when the subscription being deleted is 'shared' i.e. sub-A and sub-B shares the same predicates (datastore AND cmhandle AND xpath)
        • Changes are only visible in database as removed subscription is deleted from the subscription list
        • Request will be 'ACCEPTED' and response is sent to the client
      • Call to the DMI is ONLY made when we are trying to delete a subscription wherein it is the last subscriber (datastore AND cmhandle AND xpath) .... meaning it is not shared with other subscribers
        • if DMI responds with 'ACCEPTED', then the subscriber is removed along with ALL relevant rows in the database
        • Request will be 'ACCEPTED' and response is sent to the client

            mpriyank Priyank Maheshwari
            mpriyank Priyank Maheshwari
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