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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-2289

NCMP inventory cm handle search should support cps path query


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: High High
    • Oslo Release
    • None
    • NCMP

      User Story
      As an user, I want NCMP inventory search to support searching with a Cps Path Query so that I can find all CM-handles with a given moduleSetTag and private properties.


      This story is to allow NCMP inventory search to use a CpsPathQuery as a search condition.

      Affected endpoints:

      • ⁠POST /ncmpInventory/v1/ch/searches (Returns list of cm handle ids)
      • ⁠POST ⁠/ncmpInventory/v1/ch/id-searches (Do not exist)

      Note this functionality is already implemented for the public NCMP search endpoints (CPS-977):

      • ⁠POST ⁠/ncmp/v1/ch/searches
      • ⁠POST ⁠/ncmp/v1/ch/id-searches

      The existing implementation has a search condition called 'cmHandleWithCpsPath'.
      However, attempting to use this on inventory search endpoint results in an error:

      Wrong 'conditionName': cmHandleWithCpsPath - please supply a valid name.

      It is proposed that NCMP inventory searches also support the same search condition.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • NCMP inventory search and ID search supports a search condition 'cmHandleWithCpsPath', which has the same functionality as the existing NCMP public search condition 'cmHandleWithCpsPath'.
      • Documentation updated in docs/ncmp-inventory-querying.rst (see also existing API docs in docs/ncmp-cmhandle-querying.rst)

      Acceptance Tests:

      1. The following inventory search shall return all CM-handles with the given private property neType=RadioNode and blank moduleSetTag:

      POST /ncmpInventory/v1/ch/searches

      Request body:

        "cmHandleQueryParameters": [
            "conditionName": "hasAllAdditionalProperties",
            "conditionParameters": [
                "neType": "RadioNode"
            "conditionName": "cmHandleWithCpsPath",
            "conditionParameters": [
                "cpsPath": "/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@module-set-tag='']"

      2. Inventory ID search (using same search parameters as test 1) shall return all IDs of CM-handles with the given private property neType=RadioNode and blank moduleSetTag:

      POST /ncmpInventory/v1/ch/id-searches

      (Request body same as test 1.)


      • Ncmp inventry cm handle search api should support cps path query.
      • Demo 
      • Update RTD doc (with example with module set tag) 

      Open questions:


      Request attributes /ncmpInventory/v1/ch/searches Decision /ncmpInventory/v1/ch/id-searches Decision
      "conditionName" WITH_CPS_PATH("cmHandleWithCpsPath") Use existing names WITH_MODULE_SET_TAG("cmHandleWithModuleSetTag")  
      "conditionParameters" "cpsPath": "/dmi-registry/cm-handles[@module-set-tag='tag-A']" Use existing names "module-set-tag": "tag-A"  
      Methods NetworkCmProxyInventoryController#searchCmHandleIds Impl. it first with cps path ?  


            sourabh_sourabh Sourabh Sourabh
            mrade Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun
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