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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-2313

CSIT for data sync sometimes fails due handle in LOCKED state


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Oslo Release
    • None
    • NCMP
    • None


      This CSIT case is intermittently failing:

      plans/cps.Cps-Data-Sync.Cps-Data-Sync :: NCMP                                 
      Check if ietfYang-PNFDemo is READY                                    | FAIL |
      Keyword 'Is CM Handle READY' failed after retrying for 10 seconds. The last error was: LOCKED != READY

      Some additional info:


      • The CM-handle 'ietfYang-PNFDemo' is created in the test suite cps-model-sync.robot, which runs before cps-data-sync.robot
      • The last test case in cps-model-sync checks that the expected yang modules for that CM-handle exist (test case: Get modules for registered data node). While this test passes, this does not imply the handle is READY. The endpoint for modules e.g. /ncmp/v1/ch/ietfYang-PNFDemo/modules does NOT verify that the handle is ready before returning modules, i.e. it could partially return modules even during module sync.
      • It is still not yet known why the handle sometimes goes to LOCKED state, even though it has expected yang modules. Further investigation is needed.

            danielhanrahan Daniel Hanrahan
            danielhanrahan Daniel Hanrahan
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