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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-291

Spike: Consider moving cpsPath parsing from cps-ri to cps-service


      The query requested by a client is defined in the java (and REST) API using cpsPath (string) parameter.

      cpsPath is to following xPath 3.0 expressions. As CPS evolves more xPath functionality will be supported.

      Currently the cpsPath (string) is passed straight from cps-service to the cps-reference-implementation (cps-ri). Any parsing of cpsPath happens in cps-ri and is then translated into sql queries (some native to postgreSql)


      This study is to consider moving the parsing of cpsPath to the cps-service and to consider possible interface alternatives for the cps-ri SPI

            ToineSiebelink Toine Siebelink
            ToineSiebelink Toine Siebelink
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