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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-633

Create Preliminary Documentation for CPS-Core & NCMP


      NCMP is part of (in same repo) as CPS-Core 

      This task is to agree structure and add place holders for NCMP specific user documentation

      thmsdt has this page : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/DOC+Challenges+and+Proposals

      Which is not completely in line with was followed for H -release: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Component+Documentation+Template

       This Story is to

      1. Agree structure update if needed for CPS-Core
      2. Add pages or sections for NCMP where needed
      3. Put in place holders
      4. Put in Reference (place holders) for related projects: CSP Temporal & DMI Plugin
      5. Release notes (preliminary, as sub task if needed)


      1. Structure agreed with team an Doc team
      2. Place holder files , links working

      Out of scope.

      • Content details are not necessary (but are still allowed). There will be a separate user story to finalize the documentation for the next milestone: https://jira.onap.org/browse/CPS-626

            shivasubedi shivasubedi
            ToineSiebelink Toine Siebelink
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