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  1. Data Collection, Analytics, and Events
  2. DCAEGEN2-1220

SECCOM requirement for having containers run as non-root


      Support migration of DCAE components (both platform and services) currently running as root to non-root.

      DCAE also is dependent on 3rd party s/w (cloudify) which requires currently to be run as root.


      Platform   - PolicyHandler, CBS, Inventory, SCH

      Services - VESCollector, TCA, RESTConf, PRH, HV-VES


      PH - reference - https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/platform/policy-handler/tree/Dockerfile

      SEC-COM recommendation (from https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Best+Practices)



      Do not run containers as root. Use USER to change to an non-root user.

      Create the user and group as in this example:


      RUN groupadd -r postgres && useradd --no-log-init -r -g postgres postgres .


      Avoid installing or using sudo. If you need to, use "gosu" instead.

      To minimize the number of layers, avoid switching USER back and forth frequently.

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