Resolution: Duplicate
To expose the data in DBs that are ingested by DataLake, we need create a general framework. Here is the work flow.
- In DL configuration DB, a new table “data_exposure” has the following columns:
id: type varchar (example ‘ns_user_number’)
sql_template: example:
select from_unixtime(commonEventHeader.lastEpochMicrosec/1000) as timeStamp,
commonEventHeader.sourceId as id,
sum(measurementFields.additionalFields."AMF.RegSub._NS") as userNumber
from amf1
where commonEventHeader.sourceId = '${id}'
and from_unixtime(commonEventHeader.lastEpochMicrosec/1000) <= from_iso8601_timestamp( '${timeStamp}')
group by commonEventHeader.lastEpochMicrosec, commonEventHeader.sourceId
order by commonEventHeader.lastEpochMicrosec desc
limit ${dataCount}
db_id: a FK to DL DB table. - A data consumer client sends a request via url like:
with parameters
"id": "460_08_010101",
"timeStamp": "2019-09-26T21:54:27",
"dataCount": 16
} - Data Exposure Service (DES) reads the request id ‘userNumber’ from url, looks up table “data_exposure”, finds sql template, which is then populated with the parameters in HTTP request.
- DES sends the constructed sql, along with DB (MongoDB) info, to Presto using JDBC query, and get the results as JDBS ResultSet, which DES then convert to JSON, like
"result": [
"timeStamp": "2019-09-26T13:54:27.000+0000",
"id": "460_08_010101",
"userNumber": 100
"timeStamp": "2019-09-26T12:54:27.000+0000",
"id": "460_08_010101",
"userNumber": 100
"request": {
"id": "460_08_010101",
"timeStamp": "2019-09-26T21:54:27",
"dataCount": "16"
"result_count": 2
5. The JSON is sent back to the client as REST response.
Here is an example row in MongoDB table(collection) that the above example queries:
"commonEventHeader": {
"sourceId": "460_08_010101",
"startEpochMicrosec": 1569501000000,
"eventId": "",
"timeZoneOffset": "GMT+08:00",
"reportingEntityId": "3201HWHX1AMF1003223461889",
"eventType": "AMF",
"priority": "High",
"version": "V0.4.0",
"nfVendorName": "Huawei",
"reportingEntityName": "NJ-AMF-1-A-HW",
"sequence": "",
"domain": "measurement",
"lastEpochMicrosec": 1569502467000,
"eventName": "AMF",
"vesEventListenerVersion": "7.1",
"sourceName": "460_08_010101"
"measurementFields": {"additionalFields": {"AMF.RegSub._NS": 10}}
- is blocked by
DCAEGEN2-1961 Convert Performance Measurement XML to VES JSON
- Closed
- relates to
DCAEGEN2-1878 Support 5G slicing - E2E network slicing use case
- Closed