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  1. Data Collection, Analytics, and Events
  2. DCAEGEN2-2141

dcae documentation: decrease/remove warnings in rst files


      Updated stats as of 2020/05/27:

      warnstats version 1.6.2 (2020-05-14)

      ~~~ MODULES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      00144 | dcaegen2.git
      00056 | vnfrqts
      00055 | dmaap
      00050 | aai
      00046 | integration.git
      00039 | optf

      ~~~ MODULES WITH RSTFILES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

       dcaegen2.git | architecture.rst | rst html web doc8_(00044) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | architecture.rst | rst html web doc8_(00007) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | authorization.rst | rst html web doc8_(00017) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | build.rst | rst html web doc8_(00012) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | build_setup.rst | rst html web doc8_(00487) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | certificates.rst | rst html web doc8_(00005) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | component-type-docker.rst | rst html web doc8_(00013) | 00011
      dcaegen2.git | configuration.rst | rst html web doc8_(00023) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | configuration.rst | rst html web doc8_(00009) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | dcaecdap.rst | rst html web doc8_(00153) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | DCAE-MOD-User-Guide.rst | rst html web doc8_(00021) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | delivery.rst | rst html web doc8_(00007) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | development_info.rst | rst html web doc8_(00004) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | docker-specification.rst | rst html web doc8_(00013) | 00010
      dcaegen2.git | flow.rst | rst html web doc8_(00025) | 00010
      dcaegen2.git | healthcheck.rst | rst html web doc8_(00008) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | humaninterfaces.rst | rst html web doc8_(00008) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | index.rst | rst html web doc8_(00005) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | index.rst | rst html web doc8_(00000) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | index.rst | rst html web doc8_(00008) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | installation_oom.rst | rst html web doc8_(00072) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | installation.rst | rst html web doc8_(00004) | 00004
      dcaegen2.git | installation.rst | rst html web doc8_(00016) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | installation.rst | rst html web doc8_(00021) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | installation.rst | rst html web doc8_(00021) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | installation_test.rst | rst html web doc8_(00008) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | logging.rst | rst html web doc8_(00018) | 00007
      dcaegen2.git | mappingfile.rst | rst html web doc8_(00011) | 00004
      dcaegen2.git | mod-onboardingapi.rst | rst html web doc8_(00006) | 00016
      dcaegen2.git | offeredapis.rst | rst html web doc8_(00000) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | offeredapis.rst | rst html web doc8_(00016) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | overview.rst | rst html web doc8_(00220) | 00003
      dcaegen2.git | overview.rst | rst html web doc8_(00167) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | release-notes.rst | rst html web doc8_(00183) | 00006
      dcaegen2.git | release-notes.rst | rst html web doc8_(00011) | 00004
      dcaegen2.git | Roles.rst | rst html web doc8_(00004) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | SampleSnmpTrapConversion.rst | rst html web doc8_(00032) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | son_handler_troubleshooting.rst | rst html web doc8_(00032) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | supported-domains.rst | rst html web doc8_(00021) | 00001
      dcaegen2.git | testprocedure.rst | rst html web doc8_(01202) | 00004
      dcaegen2.git | troubleshooting.rst | rst html web doc8_(00015) | 00007
      dcaegen2.git | troubleshooting.rst | rst html web doc8_(00022) | 00002
      dcaegen2.git | userguide.rst | rst html web doc8_(00051) | 00017
      dcaegen2.git | ves.rst | rst html web doc8_(00000) | 00001


      Do you and your team see a chance to fix the problems in the DCAE documentation files?

            vv770d vv770d
            thmsdt Thomas Kulik
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
