Uploaded image for project: 'Data Collection, Analytics, and Events'
  1. Data Collection, Analytics, and Events
  2. DCAEGEN2-2849

Policy handler docker image VOLUME definition prevents deployment


      In some deployment environments (gating, integration, some Wind River lab environments), the DCAE policy handler fails to deploy, with an error message like this:

      Error: failed to start container "dcae-policy-handler": Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: invalid mount {Destination:logs Type:bind Source:/var/lib/docker/volumes/d1bb2804db44ede9164f109b7a9c147bc25421a03b1ccf794506f255e5e308e4/_data Options:[rbind]}: mount destination logs not absolute: unknown

      The container runtime system is trying to create this mount because the image has a mount definition in it, created by a VOLUME statement in the Dockerfile:

      VOLUME logs

      In earlier deployment environments, this doesn't appear to cause a problem, but recently we have seen the above error in some newer environments.

      The volume doesn't appear to be necessary (the Helm chart for policy handler mounts an emptyDir volume at /app/logs). 


            jackl Jack Lucas
            jackl Jack Lucas
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