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  1. Data Collection, Analytics, and Events
  2. DCAEGEN2-3234

Update restconfcollector to use latest CBS client SDK


      The restconfcollector applicationConfig includes references to environment variables that need to be resolved to properly configure the restconfcollector microservice.  Prior to the Kohn release, the environment variables were resolved by an initContainer that ran before the microservice was launched.   Starting with the Kohn release, the initContainer is no longer used, and environment variable resolution is done by the CBS client SDK.  The CBS client SDK was recently enhanced to support more complex cases involving environment variables.  The restconfcollector needs this enhancement.  As a workaround, the applicationConfig in the values.yaml file in the restconfcollector chart has been modified to remove the environment variable references that the older CBS client SDK does not handle properly.

      We need two changes to be made for the Kohn release:

      – Rebuild the restconfcollector using the updated CBS client library, test it, and release a new version of the restconfcollector image.

      – Update the restconfcollector OOM charts to use the new version of the restconfcollector image and restore the environment variable references that were removed as a workaround. 


            vv770d vv770d
            jackl Jack Lucas
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