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  1. Data Collection, Analytics, and Events
  2. DCAEGEN2-3336

Restconf-collector cannot be set to HTTP


      In ServiceMesh enabled environments pods need to only provide HTTP interfaces.
      The restconf-collector cannot be set to only support HTTP.
      According to the implementation (https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/restconf/tree/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/ApplicationSettings.java#n120) setting the collector.rcc.service.secure.port=0 should disable HTTPS:

          public int httpsPort() {
              return properties.getInt("collector.rcc.service.secure.port", 8687);
          public boolean httpsEnabled() {
              return httpsPort() > 0;

      But even doing it the following problem is shown in the logs:

      2023-01-25 23:00:37.038  INFO 26 --- [           main] o.onap.dcae.common.RestapiCallNodeUtil   : Parameter templateFileName: [./etc/access-token.json]
      2023-01-25 23:00:37.038  INFO 26 --- [           main] o.onap.dcae.common.RestapiCallNodeUtil   : Parameter restapiUrl: []
      2023-01-25 23:00:37.038  INFO 26 --- [           main] o.onap.dcae.common.RestapiCallNodeUtil   : Parameter contentType: [application/json]

      Reason can be found in the code (https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/restconf/tree/src/main/java/org/onap/dcae/common/RestapiCallNodeUtil.java)

          public static String getUriMethod(Boolean authEnabled) {
              /*@TODO: As per configuration */
      //        String uri;
      //        if (authEnabled) {
      //            uri = "https://";
      //        } else {
      //            uri = "http://";
      //        }
              return "https://";

            sushant53 sushant53
            andreasgeissler Andreas Geissler
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