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  1. Data Movement as a Platform
  2. DMAAP-1583

Creation of MR topics no more possible with 403 error.


      I have used user dmaap-bc-mm-prov@org.onap.dmaap-bc-mm-prov to create topics for the message router with the below curl commands. I have checked for user rights in AAF and they seem to be unchanged and fine. I have successfully created topics with the given below curl command a month ago. Now it no more seems to work. Irrespective of the user, it throws 403 error.

      I have further attached two responses for the same POST command- one from today and one from a month ago. Both have the same authentication credentials and it is the same cluster and the same pod. One thing I noticed is that the certificate has expired on 25th March 2021.

      curl -v -k -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -u dmaap-bc-mm-prov@org.onap.dmaap-bc-mm-prov:demo123456! -d@mrtopic2.txt https://xx.xx.xx.xx:30226/topics/create.

      I wanted to understand if the certificate expiry is the problem and how can I renew it?

      I am using the Guilin release for the ONAP setup. 

            efiacor efiacor
            shabnam shabnam
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