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  1. Integration
  2. INT-1770

PNF registarte test case very offen fails at general step Submit SDC Software Product


      As we see in Guilin daily master and gatin test case often and randomly fails at general step Submit SDC Software Product.
      Probably there is needed delay between Validate SDC Software Product step and Submit SDC Software Product step.

      KEYWORD sdc_interface . Submit SDC Software Product ${software_product_id}, ${software_product_version_id}
      Submits an SDC Software Product by its id

      Start / End / Elapsed: 20201105 18:05:04.925 / 20201105 18:05:16.930 / 00:00:12.005
      00:00:00.001KEYWORD ${map} = BuiltIn . Create Dictionary action=Submit
      00:00:00.001KEYWORD Templating . Create Environment sdc, ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER}
      00:00:00.003KEYWORD ${data} = Templating . Apply Template sdc, ${SDC_ACTION_TEMPLATE}, ${map}
      00:00:11.994KEYWORD ${resp} = SDC . Run Put Request ${SDC_BE_ONBOARD_ENDPOINT}, ${SDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}${SDC_VENDOR_ACTIONS_PATH}, ${data}, ${SDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}, auth=${GLOBAL_SDC_AUTHENTICATION}
      00:00:00.002KEYWORD BuiltIn . Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code}, 200
      Fails if objects are unequal after converting them to strings.

      Start / End / Elapsed: 20201105 18:05:16.928 / 20201105 18:05:16.930 / 00:00:00.002
      18:05:16.929 INFO Argument types are:
      <class 'int'>
      <type 'unicode'>
      18:05:16.930 FAIL 500 != 200

            kkuzmick kkuzmick
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