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  1. Logging analytics
  2. LOG-458

Post Orchestration Audit - Data for Dashboard Creation


      As a consumer of POMBA reporting, I would like development team to use representative data when developing dashboards so that the resulting dashboards best represent the expected production data.


      General Information 

      In order to create representative dashboards for POMBA output, it is necessary to first create a dataset to be used in development. Ideally the PoC setup can be used to create this dataset. Based on any realistic cases, create some scripts to generate data sets as needed. The data requirements include:

      • a sufficient amount of validation and violation events (over 20) stored in elasticseach
      • events need to be distributed over time
      • variations of the values in terms of validation/violation details: components, models, rules, severity, invalid fields, etc.



      Enabler for creating useful and data-rich dashboards.

      Success Criteria

      Sufficient amount of dataset prepared and available for creating dashboards

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            dkedrosk dkedrosk
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