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  1. Logging analytics
  2. LOG-824

POMBA: ContextAggregator is not picking up posted events


      As a follow up from: https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-793

      I am (internal lab) able to see that we can send a orchestration complete even to DR which is then consumed by message router.  The next step is for the Context Aggregator to consume this event and reach out to the various context builders.  However this is not happening at the aggregator level.  


      When posting to DR: 

      2018-11-01T17:56:08.518Z||pool-2-thread-1|DataRouter||com.att.nsa.mr.client.impl.MRSimplerBatchPublisher||INFO|sending 1 msgs to http://message-router.onap:3904/events/POA-AUDIT-INIT?partitionKey=0. Oldest: 298 ms
      2018-11-01T17:56:08.528Z||pool-2-thread-1|DataRouter||com.att.nsa.mr.client.impl.MRSimplerBatchPublisher||INFO|MR reply ok (10 ms):{"serverTimeMs":0,"count":1,"status":200}


      Need to investigate why the CtxAggregator is not consuming the INIT event(s)



      Simply restarting the Context Aggregator after the DMaaP POA-AUDIT-INIT topic has been created should allow the component to begin reading from the queue.

      (To create the POA-AUDIT-INIT topic when one does not yet exist, you may simply send in an initial sacrificial audit request.)

            jbalasub jbalasub
            dstangl dstangl
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