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  1. ONAP Architecture Committee
  2. ONAPARC-237

S-VNFM and ETSI alignment with SO plugin


      2018-10-30 Arc Dublin F2F

      Ciaran presented the slides

      There was a question regarding the SOL003 event to DCAE information.  The response that was that it was being looked into

      There was a question regarding SOL005.

      Ther was questions regarding whther it is only the VNF LCM or more that is in scope.   The response was that the intention is all.

      There was questions in detail about how this would work regrding knowing which way to use (VNFM or plug-in, ...).  There was a comment on this in the chat "The decision as to whether SO should communicate with MultiVIM versus a VNFM is an example of a broader problem that ONAP has. Other examples are how does SO know which Controller Persona to communicate with, and how would a future "Core" SO know which "Edge" SO to communicate with.
      We should perhaps look to see if there is a common approach that can be used to map VNF types onto the entities that manage them. I think OOF could solve the similar problem which is, once the "type" of component is known for a given VNF type, how to determine which component "instance" for a given VNF instance. OOF can help with this latter problem."

      The approach was feedback.  It was requirested to get together with the other proponents on ETSI alignment and come back with the dublin requirements

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